You are here: Utilities > Web Forms > Survey Forms > New Survey: Basics

Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys: New Survey: Basics


Internal survey name

Enter the internal survey name of the survey form, for reference or descriptive purposes only. This name will not be seen on the Web site when the form is inserted. An internal survey name is required in order to save the survey form.


Survey name to display

Enter the display name for the survey, which will be seen on the web form by survey takers. A survey name to display is required to save the survey form.

Survey Questions


Questions to ask

Displays the number of questions in the survey, and description of each, including the responses and the question orientation. Click add to be taken to the Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys: New Survey: Add Survey Question page, where you may create a new question to be added to the survey.


The buttons next to the questions perform the following functions:


up - moves the question one position up in the order that it will appear on the survey form. For example, clicking "up" next to question #2 will move that question up one position to become question #1.

down - moves the question one position down in the order that it will appear on the survey form. For example, clicking "down" next to question #1 will move that question down one position to become question #2.

Remove - deletes the question from the survey.

Edit - takes you to the Edit Survey Question Parameters page, where you can make changes to the question itself.



See what the survey looks like. If you'd like to change the questions, create or edit them from the Basics page. If you'd like to change the HTML header and footer, edit them on the Advanced tab. If you'd like to change the HTML source, click edit source. Note that once you edit the source, you may not edit the questions using ListManager's survey form wizard.


edit source

Edit the source HTML of the survey directly. Note that once you edit the source, you may not edit the questions using ListManager's survey form builder.



Save the survey, and return to the main Utilities: Surveys menu.



Cancel any changes made, and return to the main Utilities: Surveys menu.



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