You are here: Utilities > Web Forms > Survey Forms > New Survey: Survey Question Parameters

Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys: New Survey: Survey Question Parameters


The descriptions here are both for creating new survey questions and for editing existing survey questions.

Multiple Choice Questions


One-line Description

Enter the description for the question itself. For example:


What is your favorite color?


Multiple choices, one on each line


Enter the possible choices for the survey question entered above, one on each line. They will automatically be separated as individual responses. For example:




Optional Help Text

This is optional, and is intended to help the survey taker understand the question or add more detail to the question itself. This will appear immediately below the question on the survey form. For example:


If your favorite color does not appear here, please select "other" and enter below.


Answer Required?

Determines whether or not this answer will be required or not required in order to submit the survey. Requiring it will force the survey taker to respond.


How many answers?

Determines if the question should be answered by one answer only or if multiple answers will be allowed. This will depend on the nature of the question. In the above example, if it is assumed that an individual can have only one favorite color, then it should be set to one answer only. In other cases, multiple answers may be appropriate; for instance, in a question type where the survey taker selects the countries they have travelled to.


Question orientation

Select the orientation of the physical appearance of the multiple choice answers. If vertical, the answers will be bulleted, one on top of the other:











If horizontal, they will appear next to each other:


 red   blue   green   yellow   orange   purple   other



If the menu option is selected, potential answers will appear in a drop-down menu, where the survey taker can scroll up and down to select the correct answer.



Optional fill-in "other" label

This text will appear before the blank field allowed to describe the "other" option. If this is left blank, there will be no "other" field associated with this question. If only one answer is acceptable for the question, then one of the answers must be selected, or the "other" radio button must be selected and the text entered. If more than one answer is allowed, the "other" answer can be one of the answers. In this example, an appropriate title might be:


Other favorite color



Text Entry Questions


One-line description

Enter the description for the question itself. For example:


Describe your position at your company.


Optional Help Text

This is optional, and is intended to help the survey taker understand the question or add more detail to the question itself. This will appear immediately below the question on the survey form. For example:


Please include your job title, how long you have held this position, and a brief description of your duties and responsibilities, as well as any other relevant information.


Answer required?

Determines whether or not this answer will be required or not required in order to submit the survey. Requiring it will force the survey taker to respond.



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