You are here: Upgrading ListManager > Upgrade Instructions > Upgrading from v4.2.1 or Lower

Upgrading ListManager from v4.2.1 or Lower  


If you attempt to upgrade 4.2.1 to 10.2 directly, your data will not be copied correctly to the new database. To perform this upgrade, you must go through the upgrade process three times:


1. Upgrade 4.2.1 to 7.0.

2. Upgrade 7.0 to 8.9c.

3. Upgrade 8.9c to 9.3D.

4. Upgrade 9.3D to 10.2.


NOTE Lyris Technologies no longer tests upgrades from versions 6.1 and earlier.


Be sure you read Important Upgrade Information and Preparing to Upgrade first.


Preparing Your Data

ListManager 5.0 and higher no longer uses FoxPro as its database format; see Supported Platforms for a list of databases you may use with ListManager.


We recommend you perform a "dbupgrade" before upgrading. To perform dbupgrade, stop ListManager, and open a command prompt. Cd to the directory which contains lyris.exe. Type:


lyris dbupgrade


Dbupgrade may take several hours, depending on the size of your data.


Be sure to back up your "db" directory (found in your Lyris directory) before upgrading.


Special Note: If you are upgrading from 4.x and using the embedded database MSDE, check the total size of your db directory. MSDE is limited to 2 GB for all its tables, so if you have too much data, the upgrade will not succeed. Your account representative can tell you more about external databases you can use with ListManager.


Upgrading ListManager

Be sure that ListManager is not running when you upgrade it.


1. Shut down ListManager and the ListManager web server.


2. Double click on the ListManager installer icon.


3. Upgrade to v7.0: When running the ListManager installer, select "upgrade" instead of "new install", and provide the installer with the path where ListManager is currently installed. The installer will automatically copy the data if necessary and upgrade the database.

 NOTE Upgrading the database may take several hours, depending on the size of your data.


4. Shut down ListManager if you started it after the installation.


5. Set your serial code on the command line with the following command:


lm serial yourcode



6. Run the ListManager installer three more times, first to upgrade to v8.9c, then to v9.3D, and then to 10.2. Select "upgrade" each time.


7. When the installation is complete, start ListManager.





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