Moving ListManager: Linux/Solaris
For best results, upgrade and move ListManager in two stages:
1. Upgrade to the current version on the old machine.
2. Follow the instructions below to move that ListManager installation to the new machine.
IMPORTANT Back up your database before moving.
1. Shut down ListManager on the old machine.
2. You need to know the name of this ListManager machine as it is configured in your database.
a. Open the file ~/ListManager/bin/lmcfg.txt using a plain-text editor such as vi.
b. Note the value of $node_name.
3. Start the installer ListManager on the new machine. On Unix cd to the lm/bin directory, and run from the command prompt:
4. Select "New Install".
5. When the installer requests the database information, you may provide the information for your earlier ListManager installation—but DO NOT have the installer create the tables for you—this will delete your database!
Alternatively, you may create a database or user just for the installation, and change which database ListManager uses by editing lmcfg.txt with a plain text editor. See Connecting to Your Database with lmcfg.txt for more information about editing this file.
6. Proceed with the installation as prompted.
7. Shut down ListManager if you started it after the installation.
8. Open a command prompt, and change to the ListManager directory.
9. Run the following commands to retrieve the activation code for the new machine:
lm clearactivation
lm getactivation
10. Start ListManager and the ListManager web server.
11. Depending on your settings for your previous installation, the ListManager web server may not be able to communicate with ListManager on localhost (, preventing it from running. If running ListManager from the command prompt, you will see a message like this one:
Error: unable to listen to: TCP/IP address:, port number: 2021
If this is the case for your installation, follow these steps:
a. Open the file ~listmanager/tclweb/bin/tclhttpd.rc with a plain-text editor such as vi.
b. Note the IP address being used in Config ipaddr.
c. Open a command prompt, and run the following command, specifying the IP address from tclhttpd.rc for the IP address:
lm tclportbindip ip_address
d. Start ListManager and the ListManager web server.
12. Log into the ListManager web interface as a server administrator.
13. Go to Utilities: Administration: Sites, and edit any sites for this node (or all sites if you are not on a clustered environment). Change the "Internet Host Name" and the "URL to web interface" (unless your webserver resides on a different machine) fields for each site to point to the name of your new ListManager machine. Then on the SMTP tab, change the "Incoming SMTP IP address" and "Outgoing SMTP IP address" to either "(all)" or the IP addresse of your current machine. Make the same change on the NNTP tab to the"NNTP IP address" field. Finally, if you have ClickTracks integration, hit the "Change" button next to the "Connection String" field on the ClickTracks tab to update the URL there.
14. Go to Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Machine Settings: IP Addresses, and specify what IP addresses ListManager should bind to for DNS lookups.