Members: View Members
The View Members page shows a table of your list's members.
Members Table
To view or edit a particular member, click the email address. You will be taken to the Members: View Members: Edit Member page.
You may change the order members are displayed by clicking on the up or down triangles on the column headings. The headings are:
The email address of the member.
The full name of the member, if available.
The date the member joined.
Whether the member is a normal, active member, or inactive-unsubscribed, held, confirm, private, etc. See Members: Add Members: Member Settings: Settings: Membership Status for more information about different member statuses.
Member Options
You have the following options for each member:
Copies the current member. ListManager will display the old name and email address, and will allow
you to specify a new name, new email address, and the destination list(s) the member should be copied
to. The member created will have all of the settings of the old member, including the password. Copying
a member is useful if you'd like to make another list administrator—just copy an existing one.
Permanently removes the member from the ListManager database.
Displays information about when the member joined, what messages have been attempted to be sent to
this member, and recorded member actions: opens, clickthroughs, purchases, etc. See Members:
Member History for more information.
Display Options
The drop-down box above the table filters the table view to display members by member status, or list administrators.
Delete All in this View
Delete all members shown in this table view. Note that members may be deleted who are not visible on this page but are part of the table you are viewing.
Find Members
Search for members by email address, domain, segment, status, kind, or member ID.
Create New Member
Creates a single new member. See Members: Add Members for other member options.
To search this table, click .
To export this table as a CSV file, click
1. Members
1. View Members
2. Members: Find Members: Email Address
3. Members: Find Members: Name
4. Members: Find Members: Domain
5. Members: Find Members: Segments
6. Members: Find Members: Status
7. Members: Find Members: Kind
8. Members: Find Members: Member ID
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