Viewing Reports
Once you've sent out a mailing, you'll want to know how successful it's been. ListManager offers extensive reporting and charting on your mailings and membership. Click on the Reports tab to see the reports available to you.
Note that although ListManager limits the number of data points displayed in the charts, all the data for the selected report may be viewed and downloaded by selecting the table option for the report, and then clicking on the disk icon.
Reports are grouped as follows:
Mailings - Who received my mailings? Mailing statistics per mailing, and over time, including opens and clickthroughs.
Members - Who is a part of my list? Member statistics show you subscription trends, and characteristics of your membership.
Server Performance - How fast is ListManager sending mail? Available to server administrators only.
Web site - How are list members using my Web site after receiving a mailing? Requires a Pro license, and that you have Clickstream Tags on your Web site.
Custom Charts - ListManager provides you with a wide variety of reports and charts, but if you don't find what you need, you may create your own.
Purchases - What have list members purchased as a result of receiving a mailing? Requires an Enterprise license, and that you have Purchase Tags on your Web site.
Interest - What pages have list members shown interest in? Requires an Enterprise license, and that you have Interest Tags on your Web site.
Sales cycle map - Shows key charts and reports arranged according to their place in the sales cycle; this splits the reports into Awareness, Interest, and Action reports.
Map - Displays all available reports in an outline form.
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