Version 7.6
Member Profiles
Member profiles can be created, edited, and updated on your Web site. When the member profile form is saved, the HTML created here can then be embedded onto your Web site, for members to enter their email address and edit their profile directly. For details on this, please see Utilities: Web Forms: Member Profile Forms. These forms can apply to various lists, sites, or servers.
Member Info Page
There is a new member info page which displays the member name, status, kind, HTML capability, preferred mail format, member ID, bounce count, recent bounce date, and date joined. It also displays information about recent opens, clickthroughs, clickstreams, interest events, and purchases. For more information on this, see Members: Find Members: History.
Custom Charts have new charting options
Custom charts have the same options as other charts, to see the chart table, chart information, and information about your chart.
Oracle 8i (beta) now supported
Oracle 8i (beta) is now supported. Click here for details on supported platforms.
New server-wide security setting to allow or reject matching member names
This is a server-wide setting which allows or rejects join/subscribe email that matches a member name, but not the email address. For details on this, see Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Security: Spam Blocking.