Validating Customers


All customers should be validated periodically to check for errors in their accounts. A good time to do this is just before each billing cycle. To do so:


1.   Go to Utilities: Administration: Billing: Customers: Configure.

2.   Click Validate all Customers.

3.   A report will be generated showing any customer accounts that have errors (e.g., customer has no lists assigned; or no expiration date for credit card).

4.   Click Edit to change the customer information.



1.   Billing

2.   Billing Initial Setup

3.   Adding, Validating and Syncing Servers

4.   Creating Hosting Plans

5.   Creating Additional Charges

6.   Creating New Customers

7.   Creating Billing Groups

8.   Assigning Hosting Plans, Charges and Lists

9.   Validating Customers

10.  Running Bills

11.  Testing and Sending Bills

12.  Terminating Customers

13.  Terminating Lists

14.  Billing Checklist

15.  Billing Reports

16.  Billing Utilities

17.  Viewing a Customer's History

Assigning Hosting Plans, Charges and Lists Running Bills