Utilities: Web Forms: Templates: Referral Form Templates



Referral form templates allow you to create and save templates for a referral form, which you may want to use repeatedly. Once these are created here, they appear as options in the drop-down menu when creating a referral form from a template.


Note that referral form templates, which are web forms, should not be confused with content templates.

Referral Form Template Main Page


Finding Referral Form Templates

From the drop-down menu, select List, Site, or Server referral form templates. Note that the options available here will depend on the access level of the logged in user. Server administrators can see server, site, and list referral form templates. Site administrators can see site and list referral form templates. List administrators can see referral form templates for the lists administered by them.


Ten referral form templates for the list are displayed. To view more than ten at a time, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of referral form templates at a time. Click Next to see the next ten, Previous to see the last ten.


You may change the sorting order of the referral form templates by clicking the up or down triangles next to Name and Description. By clicking the top arrow, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a).


Viewing or Editing Referral Form Templates

To view a referral form template, click on the title. You will be taken to the Edit Referral Form Template screen, where you can preview, edit, and save the template.


Copying Referral Form Templates

Click Copy next to the referral form template you'd like to copy. ListManager will show you the old title and description, and will ask for the new title and description. To copy this referral form template to another list, select another list from the "New list" drop-down menu. In this way, the referral form template can be copied and applied to multiple lists. Note that this option is not available for site or server level forms, only list level forms.


Click copy to save the copied template. It will then appear on the main referral form template list.


Deleting Referral Form Templates

Click Delete next to the template you'd like to remove. ListManager will ask you if you're sure before deleting the form.



1.   Utilities: Web Forms: Web Form Templates: Edit Referral Form Template


Edit Referral Form Web Form Templates: Edit Referral Form Template