Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys: New Survey: Advanced
Applies to
Select the list, site, or server setting that this survey form applies to; the level set here determines the access level required to edit the survey form. Server administrators can edit server, sites, and list surveys. Site administrators can edit sites and lists, and list administrators only edit the lists accessible to them.
Destination URL (optional)
After clicking Save on the survey form, the respondent will be taken to the URL specified here. If no URL is specified, respondents will be taken to a generic ListManager page thanking them for taking the survey.
NOTE Be sure to type the full path. For example, if you want to direct members to the Lyris web site, type:
If you leave out the http:// and only type www.lyris.com, ListManager inserts a path to a subscribe subfolder, so the full URL ends up being this:
Show confirming web page
If set to yes (the default), respondents will see a quick ListManager confirmation page after taking the survey, informing them that they successfully completed the survey. They will then be taken immediately to the destination URL page if one is set; otherwise they are taken to a generic ListManager "thank you" page.
If set to no, the confirmation page will not appear, and the user will be taken directly to the destination URL page (or generic page).
Note that if no destination URL is defined, and Show confirming web page is set to no, then when the user saves the survey, it will not redirect anywhere; the member profile page will just be refreshed. It is advisable to either set the confirmation page to yes", enter a destination URL, or both.
Show chart of results
Specifies whether users should see the current results of the survey after successfully completing it. If a destination URL is specified, survey takers will be taken to that page after clicking ok on the results page.
The default for this setting is "no", meaning survey takers will not be shown a chart of the survey's results before being taken to a confirming web page or destination URL.
Prevent duplicate survey fillout by TCP/IP
Determines whether duplicate responses will be allowed for the survey coming from the same IP address. This may be important in order to not have survey results skewed due to multiple responses from one IP address, which may throw off the statistical outcome of the survey. To allow duplicate responses, set to "yes". To disallow them, set to "no".
The default for this setting is "no".
Prevent duplicate survey fillout by member ID
Determines whether duplicate responses will be allowed for the survey coming from the same member ID. This may be important in order to not have survey results skewed due to multiple responses from one member, which may throw off the statistical outcome of the survey. To allow duplicate responses, set to "yes". To disallow them, set to "no".
The default for this setting is "yes".
Number Questions
Select "yes" if you would like the questions in your survey to be answered, and "no" if they are to be listed without numbers. The default setting for this is "no".
The default for this setting is "no".
Displays the HTML that is displayed before the survey questions. You may edit the HTML here and still be able to edit the survey questions. If you edit the source directly, you will no longer be able to edit the survey questions using ListManager's Add/Edit Survey Question wizard.
Displays the HTML that is displayed after the survey questions. You may edit the HTML here and still be able to edit the survey questions. If you edit the source directly, you will no longer be able to edit the survey questions using ListManager's Add/Edit Survey Question wizard.
See what the survey looks like. If you'd like to change the questions, create or edit them from the Basics
page. If you'd like to change the HTML header and footer, edit them on the Advanced tab. If you'd like
to change the HTML source, click
Edit source
Edit the source HTML of the survey directly. Note that once you edit the source, you may not edit the questions using ListManager's survey form builder.
Save the survey, and return to the main Utilities: Surveys menu.
Cancel any changes made, and return to the main Utilities: Surveys menu.
2. Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys
1. Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys: New Survey: Basics
2. Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys: New Survey: Advanced
3. Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys: New Survey: Preview
4. Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys: New Survey: Add Survey Question
5. Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys: New Survey: Survey Question Parameters
6. Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys: Edit Source
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