Utilities: Web Forms: New Subscribe Form Overview



ListManager makes it easy for you to sign up new members. First, use the New Subscribe Form pages to create subscribe and unsubscribe forms. Edit the HTML generated if you wish. Then, copy the HTML into a page on your Web site, and visitors will be able to sign up for your lists.


NOTE If you have changed the name of the server admin to be something other than Admin, this form will not work properly.


Creating a New Subscribe Form

1. In the left Navigation bar, select Utilities: Web Forms: New Subscribe Form.


2. Select whether you'd like ask subscribers for a name when joining, and make it required or optional, or don't ask for a name at all.


3. Select whether or not you'd like to ask for a password when joining, and make it required or optional, or don't ask for a password at all.


4. Select whether or not you'd like to confirm new members, send a hello message for all lists, a hello message for one list, or subscribe members quietly. See Utilities: Web Forms: New Subscribe Form: Subscribe for more information on the different options.


5. (Optional) Enter the URL where you'd like new members to be taken once they've filled out your form and subscribed.


NOTE Be sure to type the full path. For example, if you want to direct members to the Lyris web site, type:




If you leave out the http:// and only type www.lyris.com, ListManager inserts a path to a subscribe subfolder, so the full URL ends up being this:




6. Set whether you'd like to add the subscription information to the destination URL where your members will be taken to once they've subscribed.


7. Select choose lists to select the lists you'd like people to be able to subscribe to.


8. Select choose demographics to select what demographic information you'd like prospective members to give you when signing up.


9. If you have more than one list with different name and password requirements, you may see a warning telling you that the name/password requirements for the list are incompatible with the configuration of the subscribe form.


10. View your subscribe form at the bottom of the page. If you have more than one list, you can preview the form as it will apply to each list by marking the checkbox next to the list. When the form looks right, click get HTML.


11. Copy the HTML, and paste it into the source for the web page on which you'd like to have a subscription form. Contact your web master if you don't have access to your website.


12. Go to your Web site, and make sure you can use the form you just created to subscribe to your list(s). When a user subscribes, a "You are Subscribed" message will appear, and then they will be directed to the designated URL (if one was entered). Note that if ListManager is improperly configured, your web form will not work.


Creating a New Unsubscribe Form


1. In the left Navigation bar, select Utilities: Web Forms: New Unsubscribe Form.


2. Enter the URL where you'd like unsubscribing members to be taken once they've filled out your form and unsubscribed.


3. Click on choose lists to select specific lists you'd like people to be able to unsubscribe from. By default, your form will unsubscribe a member from all lists.


4. View your unsubscribe form at the bottom of the page. When the form looks right, click get HTML.


5. Copy the HTML, and paste it into the source for the web page on which you'd like to have an unsubscribe form. Contact your web master if you don't have access to your website.


6. Go to your Web site, and make sure you can use the form you just created to unsubscribe to your list(s).


Note: Your web forms won't work if the host name assigned to ListManager is incorrect. If your form isn't working properly, check the URL to Web Interface in Utilities: Administration: Sites.



1.   Utilities: Web Forms

2.   Utilities: Web Forms: New Subscribe Form Overview

1.   Utilities: Web Forms: New Subscribe Form: Subscribe

2.   Utilities: Web Forms: New Subscribe Form: Choose Lists

3.   Utilities: Web Forms: New Subscribe Form: Choose Demographic Fields

3.   Utilities: Web Forms: New Unsubscribe Form

1.   Utilities: Web Forms: New Unsubscribe Form: Choose Specific Lists to Unsubscribe


Utilities: Web Forms New Subscribe Form: Subscribe