Utilities: Web Forms: Member Profile Forms: New Member Profile Form: Advanced
Applies To
Select the list, site, or server setting that this member profile form Applies to; the level set here determines the access level required to edit the member profile. Because server administrators can set who has the ability to change these forms, the options available here depend on your access level. Server administrators can edit the server, sites, and lists. Site administrators can edit sites and lists, and list administrators only edit the lists accessible to them.
Destination URL (Optional)
After clicking Save Changes on the profile form, the user will be taken to the URL specified here. If no URL is specified, they will be taken to a generic page thanking them for entering a member profile.
NOTE Be sure to type the full path. For example, if you want to direct members to the Lyris web site, type:
If you leave out the http:// and only type www.lyris.com, ListManager inserts a path to a subscribe subfolder, so the full URL ends up being this:
Show confirming web page
If set to "yes", users will see a quick confirmation page after creating or editing the member profile, informing them that they were successful. They will then be taken immediately to the destination URL page if one is set above, otherwise they are taken to a generic "thank you" page.
If set to "no", the confirmation page will not appear, and the user will be taken directly to the destination URL page (or generic page).
The default for this is set to "yes", and it is recommended that this confirming page be visible (leave set to "yes").
Note that if no destination URL is defined, and Show confirming web page is set to "no", then when the user saves the member profile, it will not redirect anywhere; the member profile page will just be refreshed. It is advisable to either set the confirmation page to "yes", enter a destination URL, or both.
2. Utilities: Web Forms: Member Profile Forms
1. Utilities: Web Forms: Member Profile Forms: New Member Profile Form: Profile
2. Utilities: Web Forms: Member Profile Forms: New Member Profile Form: Advanced
3. Utilities: Web Forms: Member Profile Forms: New Member Profile Form: Preview
4. Utilities: Web Forms: Member Profile Forms: Choose Lists
5. Utilities: Web Forms: Member Profile Forms: Choose Demographic Fields
6. Utilities: Web Forms: Member Profile Forms: Edit Member Profile Form
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