Uninstalling ListManager
You may use the uninstall program to remove ListManager from your system.
Before running the uninstall program, be sure you:
1. Stop ListManager and the ListManager Web Server.
2. (Windows) Remove the ListManager and ListManager web server services. See Windows Services for more information.
3. (Unix) Remove any start scripts you have installed.
Uninstalling on Windows
Remove the services for Windows (if applicable):
1. In the left Navigation bar, click Start > Program Files > Lyris ListManager > Services.
2. Click on Remove ListManager Service.
3. Click on Remove LM Web Service.
Uninstall ListManager:
1. In the left Navigation bar, click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Select Add or Remove Programs.
3. Select Lyris ListManager.
4. Click Change/Remove.
5. When prompted to remove Lyris ListManager, click Yes.
If there are any files left in your ListManager directory after the uninstaller has completed, you may safely delete them and the directory by hand.
Uninstall MSDE (if applicable):
1. In the left Navigation bar, click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Select Add or Remove Programs.
3. Select Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine.
4. Click Change/Remove.
5. When prompted to remove Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine, click Yes.
Uninstalling on Unix
If you already have ListManager installed on your Unix system and want to remove it, here are the steps you should take:
1. Log in as root.
2. Stop the ListManager process. On Linux, the shutdown command is:
kill -15 `cat /var/run/lm.pid`
on Solaris, the command is:
kill -15 `cat /etc/lm.pid`
3. Delete any startup scripts you created on your own.
4. Change to the ListManager/bin directory.
5. Run the uninstall_lm_now script. It will delete your ListManager directory and everything in it. Or, you may remove the ListManager directory. For example:
rm -rf /opt/listmanager
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