Set Membership Settings
These commands change a member's settings when sent to the listmanager@ server email command address. Members may use these settings to set their own settings, or administrators may do so after using the become command.
The set Command
To change your membership settings for a list, use the set command:
set listname [option] [option]
Note that you must specify the list name; you may not wildcard the list name with *.
When sent to the listname-request@ address, the command syntax is:
set [option] [option]
You can place as many options on the set line as you wish.
You may set any field in the members table. Examples:
set jazztalk digest
set jazztalk nomail noack quiet
set jazztalk
set jazztalk oldpw=flower pw=hamburger
set jazztalk setfield(address="150 Main St. Anywhere, CA 94704")
Change Email
To change your email address, use the email= option. The syntax for this command is:
set listname email=new-email-address
For example, if you are currently subscribed to jazztalk with the address and want to be subscribed as you would send the command:
set jazztalk
text after the email= cannot have any spaces in it.
you change your address with the email= command, you will receive a message notifying you of the change
even if you use the Quiet
modifier. This is done as a security measure.
Change Membership Type
To change the type of messages you receive, use the set command with one of these keywords:
Mail - Receive mail as it is contributed.
Digest - Receive daily digest with all the messages of the day.
MIMEDigest – Receive daily digest with all the messages of the day in MIME format.
Index - Receive daily index of the subject lines of the messages of the day.
Nomail - Receive no mail.
set jazztalk digest
You can set your password with the pw=password command. For instance, if you do not currently have a password, to set it on the jazztalk list to be hamburger:
set jazztalk pw=hamburger
To change your password, you must first specify your current password with oldpw=password. For example, if your current password on the jazztalk list is flower and you want to change it to hamburger, you would write:
set jazztalk oldpw=flower pw=hamburger
Including a password in an email message is inherently insecure. If you are concerned about password security, do not use email commands that require a login command.
To set whether or not you receive a message confirming the message was sent, use set with one of these keywords:
ack - When contributing to the mailing list, receive a confirmation message each message
was distributed.
noack - When contributing to the mailing list, do not receive a confirmation message that the message was distributed.
set jazztalk ack
Repro (Copy of Postings)
To determine whether or not you receive a copy of your own postings, use the set command with one of these keywords:
repro - Receive a copy of messages you contribute to a mailing list when the messages are
distributed to list (this is the default)
norepro - Do not receive copies of your own postings.
set jazztalk norepro
You can change your "comment" to be anything you like. The "comment" information is not used by ListManager for any purposes: it is merely a placeholder for any information you care to place in there. For example, you might use it to store the city you live in.
To set the comment, use the comment= keyword, as in:
set jazztalk comment=Washington
Note: The text after the comment= may have spaces if surrounded by quotation marks:
set jazztalk comment="Washington, DC"
User ID
You can change your "user id" to be anything you like. The "user id" information is not used by ListManager for any purposes: it is merely a placeholder for any information you care to place in there. For example, you might use it to store your social security number, or perhaps the Member ID from some other database.
To set the user id, use the userid= keyword, as in:
set jazztalk userid=045-76-1230
Note: The text after the userid= cannot have any spaces in it.
Other Member Settings
To change any field in your members table, use the setfield(fieldname=value) option. The syntax for this command is:
set listname setfield(fieldname=value)
For example, you may have added a field to your members table to record members' phone numbers, called phone. If you're currently subscribed to jazztalk and you'd like to change your phone number, you'd send the command:
set jazztalk setfield(phone=800-768-2929)
To set a value with spaces, use quotation marks. For example, if your database had a field for a user's complete address, called address, it could be set like so:
set listname setfield(address="2070 Allston Way Berkeley, CA 94704")
This command is useful if you're using an email message to the server to add people to the list with additional information by using the become command.
Note that the field is case sensitive. For example, userid_ would fail, as the correct field name is UserID_.
If you add the word "quiet" to the set command, ListManager will not send a confirming message back, unless the set command fails for some reason. For instance, for a list called "jazz-discuss", you could set your membership to digest with this command:
set jazz-discuss digest quiet
Note that the "quiet" modifier is a valid argument to the unsubscribe command. The modifier must be after the list name or the email address. The modifier will prevent the Goodbye document from being sent to the unsubscriber.
The "end" command tells ListManager that there are no more email commands to process in this message. ListManager will stop processing your message when it sees the "end" command. The "end" command is optional. If you do not include it, ListManager will automatically scan to the bottom of your message for commands.
Here is an example:
subscribe jazztalk
set jazztalk digest
If you add the word "quiet" to the end command, ListManager will not send a confirming message back, unless there was a problem executing the command.
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