Messages saved in ListManager's archives may be syndicated using RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) . RSS allows people with an RSS aggregator to be notified of new messages in a list's archives. They may then click on a link in the RSS feed to read the message.
The URL for ListManager's RSS feeds is available in the Discussion Forum Interface, on the About tab. To receive the RSS feed, users go to the RSS URL, and then "subscribe" it with their RSS aggregating software (this "subscribe" function is not the same as "subscribing" to a list in ListManager).
The URL to the RSS feed will generally be formatted as follows:
ListManager uses RSS version 0.92. RSS aggregators using version 0.92 or later will be able to read ListManager's RSS feed.
If your list requires users must log in to access the list, the RSS feed URL will include a token to permit access, and the messages users view will be personalized.
RSS Access
ListManager's RSS function supports authentication and authorization. The same settings controlling access to the Discussion Forum Interface controls RSS access.
RSS will only be available if your list is set to keep archives. Without archives, no messages will be displayed.
If the list allows visitors, then non-members will be able to subscribe to the list's RSS feed without actually subscribing to the list. If not, members will need to login in order to proceed to the About tab and get the RSS URL. The login information will then be included in the RSS URL on the About tab, and will be formatted to include your email address and password (encrypted).
Only those IP addresses granted access to the Discussion Forum Interface in Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Security: Web: TCP/IP for Discussion Forum Interface will have access to the list via RSS.
ListManager will return messages from the past 14 days, up to one hundred messages.
RSS Reading
The appearance and threading of ListManager's RSS feed largely depends on the RSS aggregator used. ListManager's RSS feed is designed to show the subject line and a portion of the message in the RSS aggregator, and to thread based on the subject. The RSS messages contain a link that takes the reader to the appropriate message in ListManager's Discussion Forum Interface.
1. The Discussion Forum Interface for Members
2. Accessing and Logging into the Discussion Forum Interface
3. Navigating the Discussion Forum Interface
4. Viewing and Subscribing to Forums
9. Learning More About a Forum
10. RSS
12. Conferencing with Other Members
13. Administrator Discussion Forum Functions
14. Discussion Forum Interface FAQ