Reports: Report Dashboard
The Report Dashboard gives you a variety of information in graphic format about recent mailings, member lists, server performance, and sales resulting from your email marketing. Note: The Report Dashboard requires the installation of Macromedia Flash Player.
Most Recent Mailings
In the Most Recent Mailings section, you can view a variety of statistics about your recent mailings.
Date: The date the mailing was sent
Subject: The subject line for the mailing
Mailed: The number of messages that were sent.
Opens: Gives two statistics for how many of your emails were opened: the actual number, and the percentage of messages sent.
Clicks: Gives you two statistics for how many of your emails produced at least one click: the actual number, and the percentage of messages sent.
Engagement Index: Combines a number of statistics to give you an overall picture of the success of your mailing. For example, if you do two mailings that result in comparable sales volume, but Mailing A has less unsubscribes than Mailing B, Mailing A is considered a more effective mailing and will have a higher Engagement number. After you do several mailings, you can compare their Engagement figures; the higher the number, the more successful the mailing. You can customize the formula used to determine the Engagement Index.
Transactions: Shows you how many transactions resulted from the mailing.
$: Shows you how much revenue was generated as a result of the mailing.
To see more items:
Drag the slider located to the right of the list.
To highlight the mailings from a particular date
Click the date in the calendar on the right.
To sort the items in the list
Click the column heading for the column you want to sort by.
Metric Trends
In the Metric Trends section, you can choose a particular metric (for example, Open %), and then view that metric for one or more mailing lists (the available lists vary depending on your administrative privileges). You can also view that metric for a particular campaign.
The available metrics are:
Open %
Click %
Unsubscribe %
The top chart shows information about lists; the bottom chart shows information about campaigns.
To change the type of metric displayed
Click the box to the right of Metric Trends, and then select the type you want.
To change the type of chart displayed (the choices are bar chart or line chart)
Click one of the buttons at the top of the section.
To view the month, list name, and amount in text form (bar chart only)
Move the pointer over one of the bars in the chart.
Membership Health
In the Membership Health section, you can view a chart showing six different metrics for all members or only the members of a particular list.
To choose whether information displays for all members or a particular list
Click the box to the right of Membership Health, and then select either All Members or the the list you want.
To view the month, statistic name, and amount in text form
Move the pointer over one of the bars in the chart.
Top Performing Mailings by Purchase
This section displays just what the name implies: a list of mailings sorted according to how much revenue they generated.
To sort the items in the list
Click the column heading for the column you want to sort by.
Server Performance
In the Server Performance section, you can view a bar chart that displays information about such things as bandwidth usage, messages per minute, and simultaneous connections. The current date is listed to the far right of the chart;
To change the type of information displayed
Click the box to the right of Server Performance, and then select the type of information you want.
To view the text information represented by a bar in the chart
Move the pointer over the bar.