Utilities: Administration: Lists
This page allows you to select a list to edit or create a new one. To edit your list's settings, in the left Navigation bar, click Utilities, point to Administration, and then click Lists.
You can view the different lists designated to each site by selecting the correct site from the "Site" drop-down listbox. Then only the lists for that site will be displayed below.
Finding a List
Ten lists are shown at a time. To view more than ten administrators at a time, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of administrators at a time.
You may change the sorting order of the lists by clicking the up or down triangles next to Name or Description. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Click Next to see the next ten lists, Previous to see the last ten.
Viewing or Editing a List
To view a list, click on the name next to the list you'd like to view. You will be taken to the Utilities: List Settings page, where you can view or edit the list.
Copying a List
Click Copy next to the list you'd like to copy. ListManager will show you the old name and description for the list, and ask you for a new name and description. It will also ask if it should copy all the old list's administrators to the new one, and if it should copy all the members from the old list to the new one.
Deleting a List
Click Delete next to the list you'd like to delete. ListManager will ask you if you're sure before deleting the list. If that list is sending a mailing, the currently active recipients will be sent to before the list is deleted.
Note that you cannot delete the list you are currently logged into. Log in to a different list to delete the list you're currently logged into.
Creating a List
Download as a File
Click on the disk icon to download your list of lists in CSV format.
1. Utilities: Administration: Lists
2. Utilities: Administration: Lists: New List
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