Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Machine/Node Settings: Basics


Serial number

When you test or purchase ListManager, you receive a serial number from your account representative. Your serial number will be registered at Lyris Technologies when this page is saved, and your ListManager server capabilities will be updated with a new activation code. If you have a firewall, you may need to manually receive and enter an activation code.


If you do not have a serial number (or if your serial code has expired), and if your configuration requires one, your ListManager server will be disabled. Subscribes and unsubscribes will proceed normally, but you will not be able to post mailings to your list(s).


For more information about your ListManager license and serial code, see Your ListManager Serial Number.



1.   Server Settings

1.   Server Settings: Machine Settings: Basics

2.   Server Settings: Machine Settings: Limits

3.   Server Settings: Machine Settings: IP Addresses

Interface Messages Server Settings: Machine Settings: Limits