Utilities: Login Status
Log Out
After clicking on Log Out, you'll need to log in again to access ListManager.
For security reasons, we recommend that you close all browser windows after logging out of ListManager.
Change Login
If you'd like to log in as a different user, you may either Log Out and Log In again, or Change Login. If you click on Change Login, you will have the opportunity to log back in again immediately.
Change List
If you'd like to change the list you're working on, click on Change List. The next screen will give you the option to change the list you're working on.
Change Language
The Change Language page lets you change the current language of the web interface for your administrator account. For more information on this, see Utilities: Change Language.
Your Account
If you'd like to see your settings, click on Your Account. You will be taken to the list, site or server view administrator page.
Change Node
To change which node you are working on, click on the Node name in the upper right hand corner of the administrators' interface. Note that the Node Name will not appear if you are not running ListManager in a clustered environment.