Summary of the "lists_" fields in ListManager
The lists_ table stores configuration information for every list in the system. A list must be associated with a topic, and the topic with a site. The list settings control many aspects of ListManager processing, from who can post and make changes to which documents are sent for the Hello and Goodbye logic and what headers and footers are inserted into messages.
Primary key: ListID_
Field Name |
Description |
Version Added |
AddHeadersAndFooters_ |
Should ListManager add the email headers and footers automatically to new content. N = Never, A = Automatic, I = Insert into content/mailing during creation. (char (1) default='N') |
Added in 8.5 |
Additional_ |
Additional fields that should be requested from new subscribers [inactive](text, NULL) |
Admin_ |
Administrator responsible for this list (link to people) (varchar(50), NOT NULL) |
AdminSend_ |
Only Admins can send mail to the list (bool) |
AllowCross_ |
Allows cross-posting of identical messages (bool) |
AllowDupe_ |
Allows posting of identical messages (bool) |
AllowInfo_ |
Allow non-members to read general information about this list (bool) |
Anonymous_ |
If true, the messages posted to the list are stripped of all identifying markers, so that they become anonymous (bool) |
AnyonePost_ |
Anyone can post to the list, even non-members (bool) |
ApproveNum_ |
Number of messages have to be approved before a new person can post unapproved (smallint, NOT NULL) |
ArchivDays_ |
Keep message archives around for how many days (smallint, NOT NULL) |
ArchivNum_ |
Keep how many individual messages archived (int, NOT NULL) |
BlnkSubjOk_ |
If set to TRUE, then Lyris will allow messages that have a blank subject line (bool) |
Child_ |
If set, then this list can act as a 'child' list to other lists, meaning that this list can be a member of another list, and receive postings from that list. If this is not set, Lyris automatically rejects posting submissions from other lists as possible error-mail or loop conditions. (bool) |
CleanAuto_ |
Do not mark as 'held' members who bounce too much email (ie: let them bounce all they want) (bool) |
CleanDays_ |
After how many days a user is 'held' should we purge them (smallint, NOT NULL) |
CleanNotif_ |
For how many days after a user is 'held' should we send them reminder messages (smallint, NOT NULL |
CleanUnsub_ |
After how many days a user is 'unsub' should we purge them (smallint, NOT NULL) |
Comment_ |
Holds whatever comments the programmer wishes to put in. Useful as a user-defined 'additional info' field. (text, NULL) |
CommentsID_ |
Comment about this list (link to document) (int, NULL) |
ConferencePost_ |
Who is allowed to post to the list's conference: A = admin only, M = members only, E = everyone (char(1), NOT NULL) |
ConferenceVisibility_ |
Who can access the conference: D - disabled conference, M - members only, E - everyone (char(1), NOT NULL) |
ConferenceDuration_ |
How long the contents of a conference are kept in memory: stored in hours. (smallint, NOT NULL) |
ConfDays_ |
How many days after a member has not confirmed to list should he be deleted (smallint, NOT NULL) |
ConfNotify_ |
At what day interval should held members receive notification (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
ConfUnsub_ |
When unsubscribing over email, should 2=do it immediately, 1=confirm always, 0=confirm only if questionable (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
CreatStamp_ |
Date/time stamp this list was created (smalldatetime, NULL) |
CrossClean_ |
Clean out duplicate recipients with cross-posts, so that members of multiple lists only receive one copy of a message (bool) |
DefaultFrom_ |
The 'from' value that should be used as a default for this list. (varchar(200), NULL) |
DefaultTo_ |
The value for the TO header, if it is not provided (varchar(200), NULL) |
DefaultSubject_ |
The value for the SUBJECT header, if not provided. (varchar(100), NULL) |
DefaultSubsetID_ |
The ID number of the subset that this list should use by default when creating new mailings. If set to 0, defaults to the entire list.(int, NULL) |
8.95 |
DeliveryReports_ |
What delivery reports should be sent to admins via email (int, NULL) |
DescLongID_ |
Long description of this list (link to document) (int, NULL) |
DescShort_ |
Short description of this list (varchar(200), NOT NULL) |
DetectHtmlByDefault_ |
Should new messages created in the web interface detect HTML by default. (bool) |
DetectOpenByDefault_ |
Should new messages created in the web interface perform open detection by default. (bool) |
DigestFtr_ |
Text that should be appended to every digest (text, NULL) |
DigestHdr_ |
Text that should be prepended to every digest (text, NOT NULL) |
Disabled_ |
If set, then this list is disabled. The list admin is not allowed to send any email to the list (bool) |
ErrHold_ |
After how many days of mail bounces should a member be placed on hold? (default=5) (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
ErrReset_ |
After how many days of not bouncing mail should a member's bounce count be reset to 0 (default=5) (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
ExpireDays_ |
How many days after a member has expired, should he be deleted (smallint, NOT NULL) |
From_ |
If filled in, this specifies the from field of every message send on this list (varchar(100), NULL) |
HdrRemove_ |
Headers that should be removed from list postings (text, NULL) |
Hidden_ |
Controls whether this mailing list is hidden in the web and via email (bool) |
KeepOutmailPostings_ |
How long to keep postings in the outmail_ table. More data gives more accurate reports, but slows the server performance. (smallint, NOT NULL) |
Keywords_ |
Keywords that describe this list (varchar(200), NULL) |
ListID_ |
An incrementing numeric counter for the list (int, NOT NULL) |
ListSubj_ |
Should we prepend the list name to the subject line of every outgoing list message (char(1), NOT NULL) |
MaxMembers_ |
Maximum number of members allowed on this list. If set to 0, then no limit (int, NOT NULL) |
MaxMessNum_ |
Maximum number of messages that can be sent to the list in 24 hour period (0=unlimited) (smallint, NOT NULL) |
MaxMessSiz_ |
In bytes, the maximum size of allowed messages from non-admin people (int, NOT NULL) |
MaxPerUser_ |
What is the maximum number of messages that a single user can post on a single day to this list (int, NOT NULL) |
MaxQuoting_ |
What is the maximum number of contiguous lines that can be quoted at once in a single message (int, NOT NULL) |
MergeAllowBody_ |
Are Tcl mail merge tags evaluated in the body of the message ( tinyint, NOT NULL) |
MergeCapabilities_ |
What capabilities are allowed for Tcl mail merging (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
MergeCapOverride_ |
Whether this list should override the server mail merging settings(tinyint, NOT NULL) |
MessageFtr_ |
Text that should be appended to every message (text, NULL) |
MessageHdr_ |
Text that should be prepended to every message (text, NULL) |
MessageFtrHTML_ and MessageHdrHTML_ |
Added to separate text footers from html footers. |
Added in 8.95. |
ModHdrDate_ |
If set, then moderated messages have their Date: header rewritten to be the date/time that they are approved, removing the original Date: header stamp (char(1), NOT NULL) |
Moderated_ |
How often, if at all, is this list moderated? (varchar(20), NOT NULL) |
MriVisibility_ |
Whether the Discussion Forum Interface should be generally visible, visible only when accessing the URL directly, or inaccessible. V = Visible, H = Hidden (visible if you know the URL), I = Inaccessible (char (1), default 'V') |
Added in 8.5 |
Name_ |
Internal name which identifies this mailing list, not seen by users (varchar(60), primary key, NOT NULL) |
NameReqd_ |
When subscribing over the web, should 0=name is optional, 1=name is not asked for, 2=require name (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
NoArchive_ |
Messages on this mailing list should not be archived (bool) |
NoBodyOk_ |
If set to TRUE, then Lyris will allow messages with a blank body through to the mailing list (bool) |
NoConfirm_ |
Do not send out a confirming message to new subscribers to make sure they used the same email address (bool) |
NoEmail_ |
Reject all submissions by email. Submissions must be by web (bool) |
NoEmailSub_ |
Disallow all subscriptions via email? (bool) |
NoListHdr_ |
If true, the list-help headers are not included (bool) |
NoMidRewr_ |
If set to TRUE, then Lyris will not rewrite the Message-ID, but instead leave it alone, and use X-Lyris-Message-ID (bool) |
Do not make this group available over NNTP (bool) |
NoSearch |
Messages on this mailing list should not be full text indexed, and will not be searchable (bool) |
PasswdReqd_ |
When subscribing over the web, should 0=password is optional, 1=password is not asked for, 2=require password (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
PgmAfter_ |
Program to execute after a message has been posted to the list (Text, NULL) |
PgmBefore_ |
Program to execute before a message is posted to the list (text, NULL) |
PgmSub1_ |
Program to execute before a member is subscribed (text, NULL) |
PgmSub2_ |
Program to execute after a member is subscribed (text, NULL) |
PgmUnsub1_ |
Program to execute before a member is unsubscribed (text, NULL) |
PgmUnsub2_ |
Program to execute after a member is unsubscribed (text, NULL) |
PiperCompany_ |
Company name used for EmailAdvisor service (varchar(25), NULL)
Added in 8.8 |
PiperPassword_ |
Password used for EmailAdvisor service (varchar(25), NULL) |
Added in 8.8 |
PiperUserName_ |
User name used for EmailAdvisor service (varchar(25), NULL) |
Added in 8.8 |
PostPass_ |
If set, then postings require the user password in the body of the text somewhere. 0=no requirements, 1=required if member has one, 2=all members need a password (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
PrivApprov_ |
Search rules for auto-approving applications to a private list (Text, NULL) |
PrivDays_ |
How many days after a member has applied to a private list, should he be deleted if not approved (smallint, NOT NULL) |
PrsrvXTags_ |
Should we preserve X-.... SMTP header tags (bool) |
RecencyDayCount_ |
How many days to check for recent mailings (smallint, NOT NULL) |
RecencyEmailEnabled_ |
Is recency checking enabled for this list? (char, NOT NULL) |
RecencyMailCount_ |
How many mailings should trigger recency limits? (smallint, NOT NULL) |
RecencyOperator_ |
When checking for recency, should the number of mailings be (m)ore than, (e)qual to or (l)ess than the number in RecencyMailCount_? (char, NOT NULL) |
RecencySequentialEnabled_ |
Apply recency limits to sequential mailings? (bool) |
RecencyTriggeredEnabled_ |
Apply recency limits to triggered mailings? (bool) |
RecencyWebEnabled_ |
Apply recency limits to posting created by admins in the web interface? (bool) |
RecipientLoggingLevel_ |
What level of delivery logging should there be? (N)o logging, non-SMTP errors (m), all (e)rrors, errors and successes (f). (char, NULL) |
ReferralPurgeDays_ |
Purge referral data after how many days? (smallint, NOT NULL) |
ReferralsPerDay_ |
The maximum number of people that a member can refer, per day. (smallint, NOT NULL) |
RelHour_ |
The hour that this message should be automatically approved (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
RelPending_ |
If a pending message hasn't been approved after X days, then send it anyway (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
ReplyTo_ |
If filled in, this specifies the reply-to field of every message send on this list (varchar(100), NULL) |
ReviewPerm_ |
What security permission to put on 'review' command? 0=only admins, 1=only members, 2=anyone (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
SMTPFrom_ |
If filled in, this specifies the SMTP from field of every message send on this list (varchar(100), NULL) |
SMTPHdrs_ |
Text that should be included in the SMTP header of every message (text, NULL) |
Security_ |
Is this list 'private' (admin approval) 'closed' (admin must add you) 'password' (you need the password) 'open' (varchar(8), NOT NULL) |
SimpleSub_ |
Should this list not allow any of the fancy options, such as norepo/noack/password/etc? (bool) |
SponsOrgID_ |
Organization that is sponsoring this list (link to document, type is organization) (int, NULL) |
SubNotDays_ |
What days of the month should a subscriber/unsubscriber report be sent to the list admins? Choices are daily, monthly, monday tuesday wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, and modifiers appended to this can be -nochart (do not include chart of activity) and -email (include email addresses) (text, NULL) |
SubPasswd_ |
If this list is 'password' protected for new subscribers, what is the password? (varchar(50), NULL) |
SyncConnID_ |
lyrDbConnections.ConnID to use when synchronizing this list. (int, NULL) |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncDeleteMode_ |
What to do with members on list but not in remote DB. (N)o changes, mark (R)emoved. (char (1), default 'N') |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncInsertMode_ |
What to do with members in remote DB and not on list. (Q)uiet, (R)egular (send hello), (C)onfirm, use (E)xternal member type. (char (1), default 'Q') |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncMaxMalformed_ |
How many malformed members to accept in remote DB. (int '10') |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncNextTime_ |
Date/time of next synchronization. (datetime, NULL) |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncPreviousSuccessTime_ |
Date/time of last synchronization success. (datetime, NULL) |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncPreviousTime_ |
Date/time of previous synchronization attempt (may or may not have been successful) (datetime, NULL) |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncSchedule_ |
How often to synchronize list compared to the scheduled task. (N)ever, (E)very time, (D)aily, (W)eekly. (char (1), default 'N') |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncTimeRule_ |
Time of day to synchronize list compared to the scheduled task. (A)nytime, (W)indow. (char (1), default 'A') |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncUpdateMode_ |
What to do with members in remote DB and on list but with different status: (N)o changes, (E)xcept member type, (A)ll including member type. (char (1), default 'N') |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncWeekDay_ |
Day of week to perform synchronizations. 1=Sunday 7=Saturday (smallint '1') |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncWindowStart_ |
Beginning of synchronization window in a given day. (small datetime, '2000-01-01 0:00') |
Added in 8.8 |
SyncWindowEnd_ |
Ending of synchronization window in a given day. (small datetime, '2000-01-01 0:00') |
Added in 8.8 |
TclMergeInit |
The list level Tcl initialization string. (text, NULL) |
Added in 8.5 |
To_ |
If filled in, this specifies the To: field of every message send on this list (varchar(200), NULL) |
Topic_ |
Topic that this list belongs to (varchar(50), NOT NULL) |
TrackAllURLs_ |
Should all URLs in content be automatically made into tracking URLs when the content is saved (bool, 'F') |
Added in 8.5 |
TranslateLangID_ |
The default translation language for this site. Applies to default list documents if translated versions exist and to the web interface (smallint, NOT NULL) |
URLList_ |
URL to list's homepage (varchar(100), NULL) |
URLLogo_ |
URL to GIF/JPEG list logo (varchar(200), NULL) |
VisibGlobl_ |
Visible via 'list global'? (bool) |
Visitors_ |
Allow non-members to visit the list Web site without joining (they cannot contribute) (bool) |
WarnNoRecips_ |
Whether to send a warning to sender if list posting goes to no recipients (bool, âTâ is default) |
8.95 |