Reports: Charts: Advanced


Y Axis Label

The label for the Y axis.


Background Color

The chart's background color. By default, the color will be white. Enter the HTML code (e.g., FFFFFF) to change the background color.


Associated With

What list or site this chart is associated with, or whether this chart should be available to all on the server. By default, the chart is associated with the list in which it has been created. You may opt to have the chart associated with a different list, an entire site or an entire server.


Date Created

The date the chart was created.


Date Last Modified

The date the chart was last modified.




1.   Reports: Charts

1.   Reports: Charts: Essentials

2.   Reports: Charts: Advanced

3.   Reports: Charts: Add Metric

4.   Reports: Charts: Chart

5.   Reports: Charts: Table

Reports: Charts: Essentials Reports: Charts: Add Metric