Adding Your Members
Your list will only be successful if people can "opt-in" easily, so you need to help new members join. We recommend you do this by adding a subscription form to your Web site.
Creating a Subscription Form for Your Web site
1. In the left Navigation bar, click Utilities, point to Web Forms and then click New Subscribe Form.
2. Click the Ask Subscribers for Name box, and then select the option you want.
3. Select "Send One Confirmation Message" for Confirmation, so your list is double opt-in.
4. Enter the Destination URL you'd like new members to be taken to after they fill out your form.
5. Select the Lists you'd like members to be able to subscribe to on this form.
6. Select additional Demographics fields if you'd like to gather information about for your new members.
7. Click Refresh.
8. Review your subscribe form. If it contains all the information you'd like, click Get HTML.
9. Copy and paste the HTML form generated into a page on your Web site. The HTML may be modified, if desired (for instance, you want to change the field lengths, or the descriptions for the demographic information).
10. Test your form before going live!
NOTE Your web forms won't work if the host name assigned to ListManager is incorrect. If your form isn't working properly, check the URL to Web Interface in Utilities: Administration: Sites.
Importing Your Members from a File
If you already have a list of members, you can import them into ListManager using Members: Add Members. You may import members from a text file, or with additional demographic information using a CSV (comma separated values) file.
Importing Your Members from a Text File
1. In the left Navigation bar, click Members, point to Add Members, and then click Import from Text File.
2. For Action, select Import as Unconfirmed Members, and Send Confirmation Request to import members with a confirmation notification.
4. Select the text file to upload. Each email address and name must be on a separate line, and must be in one of the following formats: Bob Shelby (Bob Shelby)
Bob Shelby <>
5. Click Import.
Importing Your Members with Additional Demographic Information
1. In the left Navigation bar, click Members, and then click Add Members.
2. Select Import from CSV File.
3. For Action, select Import Quietly as Regular Members.
4. Specify whether ListManager should Update Existing Members, with the values in the file, or if it should skip duplicates without updating them.
5. Select the CSV file to upload. A CSV file has the information you would like imported in a CSV (comma separated values) format. The first row of the file tells ListManager which field the data in each column should be imported into. For example:
EmailAddr_,FullName_,Company,Phone,Bob Shelby,Shelby Corp.,555-555-5555
In this example, EmailAddr_ and FullName_ correspond to the default database fields in for email addresses and full names.
Additional fields called "Company" and "Phone" have been added to this Members_ table, so this information can also be imported into each member's record. The default fields are:
Placeholder for any information you want to store associated with this member.
Holds whatever comments you wish to put in. Useful as a user-defined 'additional info' field.
The email address of this person (required).
Full name of this person.
What mail format does the user prefer, (T)ext, (M)ultipart, or (H)TML.
Holds the user-definable 'user id' information, such as a key back to another table.
6. Click Import.
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