Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Group Features: Message Rejection Rules: Etiquette


Max Quoting Allowed

This option limits the number of continuously quoted lines in a message. The default, 0, allows unlimited quoting. Quoted lines are identified as beginning with the > character. Messages over these limits are rejected, with an explanatory message.


Note: This applies to continuous quoted lines, not to the total amount of quoted lines in the message. Messages that use a different quoting character (such as :) will not be rejected if they exceed the Max Quoting Allowed.


Daily Message Limit

Defines the total number of messages that can be distributed to the mailing list in one day.


This feature is generally used as a last resort to prevent mail loops from going out of control. A mail loop occurs when mail sent to the mailing list members encounters a badly configured email server, and the email server sends a message back to the mailing list.


ListManager has many features to prevent mail loops from happening, so the Daily Message Limit will, in practice, never become an issue. However, if, for some reason, a message loop were to occur, the Daily Message Limit would shut off the mail loop after a certain limit.


Note: ListManager automatically blocks duplicate posts for discussion lists, and unless this feature is explicitly disabled, it is very effective at stopping mail loops before they occur.


Message Size Limit

Defines the maximum size of messages that may be contributed to the mailing lists. Any contributed message over this size will be automatically rejected.


Sometimes mailing list members will try to send a large attachment to a mailing list (such as a sound file), and most mailing list members do not want to receive this size of a file from the mailing list. This feature will block excessively large messages from being sent.


List administrators are not restricted by this message size limit—their messages can be of any size.


Max Posts Per Member

This setting places a limit on the number of posts that a single member is allowed to send to this mailing list in a one-day period. If the member goes over this limit, they will be rejected and notified that they need to wait until the next day. By default, this setting is "0", meaning unlimited posts.


This feature is useful if someone is dominating the list, or is clogging it up with "me, too" responses.




1.   Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Group Features

1.   Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Group Features: Message Look

2.   Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Group Features: Security

3.   Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Group Features: Message Rejection Rules

1.   Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Group Features: Message Rejection Rules: Blanks

2.   Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Group Features: Message Rejection Rules: Same Message Rules

3.   Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Group Features: Message Rejection Rules: Etiquette

Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Group Features: Message Rejection Rules: Same Message Rules Utilities: List Settings: For Programmers