Utilities: Administration: Server: Operational Statistics: General Statistics
The General Statistics page gives you information about your ListManager server's performance or this node, and a picture of what it is doing at any one time.
Terms Used in Server General Statistics
A method of communication that has certain rules. Almost like a human language, it is the way data is formatted and presented that only makes sense to a computer program if it is expecting that protocol. This is just like human language in that we may immediately understand another person if he/she is speaking a language we know, but we have no idea if the language is different, even if both languages are trying to communicate the same ideas.
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. This protocol regulates how mail servers talk to each other to send mail.
A thread is a method by which independent tasks are executed at the ‘same’ time by quickly alternating between them. Using threads allows a system with just one ‘brain’ (the CPU) to act as if is doing many things at once, but in fact, it is doing a little bit of each task and then switching to the next task. However, this is done so quickly that it appears the system is working on many things at the same time. As an example of the human body, you could say that there is a thread running your heart, one for breathing, and others for digestion and other bodily functions. Each of these things is happening at the same time, and could be considered similar to threads.
A connection to another computer. It is similar to placing a phone call. When you dial you are attempting to connect, and once the connection succeeds, a ‘socket’ is established. If the receiving end refuses the connection or is too busy (gives you the busy signal), then the socket is not established.
TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol, which is the way most data is actually packaged and formatted through the Internet.
NNTP stands for Network News Transport Protocol. It is used if you are using the MultiView option to allow users to read postings using a newsreader.
TCLPORT is the means by which the current ListManager web interface is generated.
Statistics Information
Lyris List Manager Version
The program name and some version identification information.
Server Date and Time
Displays the current time and date on server.
Total Incoming Mail Threads
The number of system threads working on incoming mail processing.
Total Incoming Connections NNTP
The total number of incoming connections receiving data using the NNTP protocol.
Total Physical Memory
The total amount of physical RAM available on the machine.
Physical Available
The amount of physical RAM memory available.
Available File Descriptors
Only visible for Linux users/OS resources. This tells you how many descriptors are available for ListManager to use at the time.
Serial Number is Date Restricted
Specifies whether the serial number for this instance of ListManager is limited by date.
Multiview Option Enabled
Specifies whether users can use NNTP to access lists on ListManager.
Total Incoming SMTP Connections
The total number of incoming connections received using the SMTP protocol.
Total Incoming TCLPORT Connections
The total number of connections to process web interface or clicking requests. The number of incoming connections for NNTP, SMTP, and TclPort (web interface).
Total SMTP Connections in Progress
The number of connections to SMTP servers that the program is attempting. This is the total that the system would like to have in progress, but doesn’t count those that are currently waiting for DNS information or waiting for a connection, for example.
Mail for List Owners, listname-owner@
The number of messages sent to the listname-owner@ address, since ListManager was started.
Mail Sent to an Autoresponder, autoresponder@
The number of messages sent to an autoresponder address, since ListManager was started.
Mail Sent to an Error Mail Address, Processed in Database
The number of messages sent to an error mail address address, since ListManager was started, and processed and recorded in the database.
Mail Sent to an Error Mail Address, Processed in Memory
The number of messages sent to an error mail address address, since ListManager was started, and processed in memory.
Mailing List Postings, listname@
The number of list postings sent since ListManager was started.
Processing listmanager@ Mail
The number of messages processed to the listmanager@ address since ListManager was started.
Subscription Confirmations
The number of subscription confirmations processed since ListManager was started.
Unsubscribe Confirmations
The number of unsubscribe confirmations processed since ListManager was started.
Total Incoming Messages Processed (all types)
The number of messages received and processed by this server from all IP's.
Status of Currently Processing Incoming Messages
Displays the various statuses of messages currently being processed by the server.
SQL Stats
Current Connections in Use
The connections to the database server that are currently being used, and the total available.
Connections Obtained
The total number of times that a connection was used to send and/or receive data from the database server.
Milliseconds Spent Waiting for These Connections
The total time to get one of the available database connections. If this number is high, it means that the database is slow to give resources, which may mean that it is under powered for the demand being put on it.
Average Time to Execute SQL and Receive a Response, in Milliseconds
The average time to send a request to the database server and receive a response. A large number here means the database server is not fast enough to give good results, or the network communication is too slow. A sustained average less than 10 milliseconds is good, where higher numbers indicate problems.
Recent DNS Engine Stats
Successful Lookups
The number of recently successful DNS lookups.
Failed Lookups
The number of recently failed DNS lookups.
UDP Packets Sent
The amount of bandwidth currently being used by the DNS resolver currently, indicating how busy it is.
Domains to Resolve
The number of domains that are waiting to be resolved by the ListManager DNS engine.
Recent Incoming Stats
Messages Received
The number of messages received by ListManager recently.
Recent SPF Engine Stats
Parsed Count
The number of recently received messages checked for SPF.
Cache Size
The size of the SPF lookup cache.
Not Yet in Cache
The number of domains that are waiting to be resolved by the ListManager SPF engine.
The number of messages which have passed SPF authentication.
The number of messages which have failed SPF authentication.
The number of messages which have softfailed SPF authentication.
The number of messages which have a neutral SPF status.
The number of messages for which an error was received when attempting SPF authentication.
1. Operational Statistics: License Capabilities
2. Operational Statistics: General Statistics
3. Operational Statistics: Mailing Statistics
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