Setting Server Options
The following command line parameters let you set ListManager's configuration options. Some of these parameters can be changed from the "Server Configuration" Web Interface page. The command line versions are included for convenience (particularly when you need to change options that are critical to the ListManager web interface).
To use them, open a command prompt, and change to the directory where you have installed ListManager. Then, run
lm command
./lm command
if you're using Unix.
Set ListManager activation code number to that specified on the command line. Usage:
lm activate code
In the above example, you would substitute code with your own activation code. You should not need to use this command, as it is done automatically by ListManager during installation.
Clears the activation code. Usage:
lm clearactivation
If you are moving ListManager to another machine or are changing the network card, you must run clearactivation before activating your serial code on your new machine.
Note: if there is no serial code, ListManager will return an error. Run lm serial to set the serial code.
No longer implemented. In older versions, it displayed the IP addresses of the DNS servers.
ListManager 6.0h and higher features an integrated DNS engine, so this setting is no longer available for users of 6.0h and higher. You no longer need to set up, configure, or maintain a DNS server for ListManager to use, nor will ListManager be limited by slow DNS servers.
If you are running an earlier version of ListManager, we recommend you upgrade ListManager.
For those running 6.0g and earlier, this command allows you to set the Domain Name Server to the TCP/IP address specified on the command line. Usage:
lm dns ip_address [ip_address2] [...]
In the above example, you would substitute ip_address with the IP address of your DNS server. If you want to specify multiple DNS servers, you may do so by separating them with a space.
Sets the email address of the administrator of this ListManager. Usage:
lm email emailaddress
In the above example, you would substitute "emailaddress" with the email address of the person who is the primary server admin.
Set mail forwarding rule to "ip-address port". Usage:
lm forward ip_address port
In the above example, you would substitute ip_address with the IP address of the machine you want ListManager to forward non-ListManager mail to, and you would substitute port with the port number on that machine that will be receiving mail.
Activates your ListManager serial code. Usage:
lm getactivation
If ListManager has a valid serial code that has not been activated for another server, getactivation will provide the activation code for the server. Stop and restart ListManager to have the new code take effect.
If you have changed your ListManager license, it will be updated automatically within 24 hours. However, if you'd like to unlock your new license sooner, getactivation will update your license.
If you do not have a serial code specified for your server, getactivation will return an error message. Run lm serial (instructions below) to set the serial code from the command prompt.
Specifies the first TCP/IP address on your server. Usage:
lm gettcpip
Sets the string ListManager uses in the HELO portion of the SMTP transaction. Usage:
lm helotext hostname
In the above example, you would substitute hostname with the text you want ListManager to use in the HELO statement. This is extremely useful if you are behind a firewall and machines on the Internet cannot resolve the hostname your machine uses.
Displays the command line help. Usage:
lm help
ListManager 7.5 and higher has been upgraded to use an HTTP based programming toolkit. LCP is no longer used or supported by ListManager. If you are running a version of ListManager older than 7.5, we recommend that you upgrade ListManager.
Sets the domains/hostnames the ListManager should accept mail for. Usage:
lm mailreceive domain [domain_2] [...]
In the above example, you would substitute domain with the domain you want ListManager to accept mail for. This command is extremely useful when you have ListManager coexisting with another mail server on the same machine, and the ListManager will be accepting mail for well defined domains, and passing all other mail onto the other mail server.
Sets the type of moderated message notification for this ListManager host. Usage:
lm moderatenotification [old | new]
Use the "old" argument to receive traditional moderation notifications. Use the "new" argument to receive MIME-digest style moderation notifications.
Sets the TCP/IP port that ListManager accepts incoming NNTP connections on. The default is 119.
lm nntpport port_value
In the above example, you would substitute port_value with the port you want ListManager to listen on for NNTP connections.
Sets the name used when documents are sent from ListManager. By default, documents are sent from Lyris ListManager. To change this name to another, use the rebrandname option. Usage:
lm rebrandname your name
ListManager must be restarted for this change to take effect.
Changing the name requires that you have a rebrandable license. Contact your account representative at for more information about purchasing a rebrandable license.
Sets the email address used when documents are sent from ListManager. By default, documents are sent from lyris-admin@yourserver. Changing the email address removes the name Lyris, and replaces it with the name of your choice. Usage:
lm rebrandemail name
ListManager will provide the @ sign and the domain name, so only add what you would like to come before the @ sign.
ListManager must be restarted for this change to take effect.
Changing the email address requires that you have a rebrandable license. Contact your account representative at for more information about purchasing a rebrandable license.
Resets the TCP/IP addresses allowed to access the server admin web interface. Normally, access to the web interface is limited by Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Security: Web. If the server admin inadvertently locks out access to the web interface, this command can be run to allow any TCP/IP access to the server admin web interface. Usage:
lm reset_tcpip_server_admin
ListManager and the ListManager web server should be restarted after running this command.
Allows you to set the number of retries and retry interval for this ListManager. The command takes
any number of parameters, separated by commas. Usage:
lm retrytiming interval1 [,interval2] [,interval3] [...]
Each interval measures the time, in minutes, between the previous try and the next try. The smallest acceptable retry interval is five minutes and the largest acceptable retry interval is 1440 minutes (24 hours). Retry intervals which are not within the acceptable range will be ignored.
For example, if you want to establish a retry schedule of 30 minutes, two hours, eight hours, and 24 hours, you would issue the following command:
lm retrytiming 30,120,480,1440
The default retry schedule is 30 minutes, two hours, four hours, eight hours, and 16 hours.
Please note that the retry interval is measured in relation to the time of the last retry, not the time the message was originally sent.
For most lists, three to five retries is more than enough. Also, it is a good idea to schedule one retry a full 24 hours after the message originally went out, to guard against temporary network outages.
Sets the serial code for the server. Usage:
lm serial code
Substitute your serial code for code above. Once you have entered your serial code, your activation code will be updated within 24 hours. Or, you may activate it immediately by running getactivation.
Sets the TCP/IP port that ListManager accepts incoming SMTP connections on. The default is 25.
lm smtpport port_value
In the above example, you would substitute port_value with the port you want ListManager to listen on for SMTP connections.
Add the TCP/IP address specified on the command line to the list of allowed TCLport hosts. Usage:
lm tclport ip_address
In the above example, you would substitute ip_address with the IP address of the machine that will be making TCLport connections with this ListManager host.
Sets the IP address ListManager binds to for tclport, which it uses to generate the web interface. Usage:
lm tclportbindip ip_address
Sets the password that the TCLport uses to log into this ListManager host. Usage:
lm tclportpass password
Sets the TCP/IP port that ListManager accepts incoming TCLport connections on. The default is 2021. Usage:
lm tclport port
In the above example, you would substitute port with the port you want TCLport on.
Configures the time, in seconds, that a TCLport will remain alive before being disconnected by ListManager. There are some situations where a TCLport connection might not be relinquished by the connecting server. The default timeout is 600 seconds, which should be sufficient for most users. The timeout can be changed with the tclporttimeout command-line parameter. Usage:
lm tclporttimeout seconds
where seconds is the time in seconds that an unused TCLport connection will stay connected. Changing
this setting isn't normally required, but if you have problems with TCLport connections being used up,
you can set this to a lower number, such as 600 seconds.
Runs ListManager, and display all tclport (web interface) commands. Usage:
lm tclporttrace
Displays the version of ListManager that is running. Usage:
lm version
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