Making ListManager Run Faster


This is a list of techniques we have found which can have an effect ListManager performance, and make it run faster.


Limit SMTP error logs

Receiving detailed SMTP logs for a list posting can sometimes be the only way to track down problems. However, keeping track of all this information can have a performance penalty on your ListManager server. Use detailed SMTP reports only when critical to solve delivery problems.


Do not receive Error Mail Notifications
If you are set as a list administrator, have a large mailing list (10,000+ members), and set yourself to receive error mail notifications, you will be asking ListManager to forward every copy of Error mail on to you. This increases the amount of work ListManager needs to do when it receives error mail.


Do not disable error mail handling
By default, ListManager will keep track of error mail, and a point each day that a user bounces mail (when a transient or permanent failure occurs). After a number of points configured in the List Settings screen, a user is put on hold. Do not turn this mechanism off for large lists, as you will be telling ListManager to send mail to all your email addresses, even those that are invalid. We find that up to 10% of a mailing list's addresses go bad every month. Not letting ListManager clean up the list of members for you adds significantly to the load. See Utilities: List Settings: Automatic Maintenance for information on how to set your lists up to properly hold and purge members.


Purchase the "Plus", “Diamond”, or "Extreme" version of ListManager.
 If you are unsure as to whether a different license can help you, contact us at for a free time-dated enhanced serial number, which will provide you with a limited-time opportunity to see that version in action.


Make sure you have enough memory
Many sites are out of memory, and running on virtual memory (hard disk swapfile). The most important measurement on Windows and Unix systems is the total memory that your processes are using. If your processes are using more memory than you have physical memory, then you are low on memory, and likely using your swapfile heavily.


Make sure you have sufficient bandwidth

The recommended bandwidth for the various license levels may be insufficient for your needs if you are sending out large messages, or if ListManager is sharing its bandwidth with other applications.


Notify held members infrequently
On large lists, ListManager will be identifying many members with email problems and putting them on hold. If you use the hold notify feature, where ListManager sends a notification message to held members, do so infrequently, such as on a 4 or 5 day interval. Sending held notifications every night tends to use a lot of CPU power just to try to send mail to people who probably are not receiving it anyway.


Limit the amount of Tcl scripting in a mailing

Extensive tcl scripting to customize messages can slow down mailings, as more processing must be done for each message.

SPF and Fighting Spam How Can Members Expire After A Certain Time Period