Installing ListManager by Hand
If you do not want to use the "" script, technically sophisticated users can follow these steps to install ListManager by hand.
1) Uncompress the ListManager tar file to the directory from which you will run it (which will henceforth be referred to as ~lm).
2) Install and configure the appropriate database software or client software. Create a database for ListManager to use.
3) Rename ~lm/bin/lmcfg_template.txt to lmcfg.txt, and edit it, adding database connection information. For example, a PostgreSQL configuration would require you to add something like the following:
$sql_type = "POSTGRES";
$sql_server = "";
$sql_database = "listmanager";
$sql_user = "lmuser";
$sql_password = "lmpassword";
$sql_pool = "25";
Note that you can install more than one icon on your desktop for different lmcfg.txt files by adding a command-line argument to specify a different lmcfg.txt file.
Check the database connection by running the following command:
~lm/bin/lm version
If ListManager connects successfully, a version string is displayed.
4) Run the following command:
~lm/bin/lm dbcreate <admin-password>
To create the Lyris database tables. Specify the administrator password you would like to use on this server. For example, "lm dbcreate sesame" would create an account named "admin" with a password of "sesame"
5) Run the following commands:
lm serial yourserialnumber
lm getactivation
This will enter your serial number, and retrieve your activation code.
6) If you want ListManager to run its SMTP receiving agent on an alternate port, run the following command:
~lm/bin/lm smtpport 26
Where "26" specifies the port you want ListManager to use.
7) If you do not allow ListManager to listen to, you will need to edit the file "tclhttpd.rc" that is located in your tclweb/bin directory, so that the line which reads "Config ipaddr" points to a TCP/IP address that ListManager is listening on.
Note: The Command Protocol that the web interface uses to communicate with ListManager listens on port 2021.
8) Run the command:
ulimit -n 5000
(preferably in the bash shell) to increase your file descriptor limit. Then, run:
~lm/bin/lm start
To run ListManager in the foreground, or run the command:
/opt/lm/bin/lm start 1>/tmp/lm_stdout 2>/tmp/lm_stderr &
You can now run ListManager in the foreground with the command:
/opt/lm/bin/lm start
If you run ListManager in the foreground without running the output to a logfile, and you inadvertently click on the window commenting any text, the process running in the window will halt. To stop this from occurring, either:
- pipe the output to a logfile
- turn off the Quick edit mode by right clicking on the Windows bar and going to Properties -> Options -> uncheck "Quick edit".
To start ListManager in the background, in "sh" or "bash" use a command such as
/opt/lm/bin/lm start 1>/tmp/lm_stdout 2>/tmp/lm_stderr &
To run ListManager in the background. If you encounter a problem, run ListManager in the foreground, with the command "~lm/bin/lm start".
9) Send mail to listmanager@your-server to make sure that ListManager is answering email.
10) Rename the file ~lm/tclweb/bin/tclhttpd_template.rc to tclhttpd.rc. Edit it, replacing ‘$HOSTNAME’ with the name of the machine; ‘$PORT’ with the port you want the web server to listen to (e.g., 80); and ‘$EMAILADDR’ with the email address of the administrator.
11) Run the command:
To run the ListManager Web Server in the foreground, or run the command:
~lm/tclweb/bin/httpd-lm 1>/tmp/httpd-lm-stdout.txt 2>/tmp/httpd-lm-stderr.txt &
To run the ListManager Web Server in the background.
12) With a web browser, go to the URL
13) For Solaris, run the command:
/usr/bin/ulimit -n
If a number smaller than 150 is displayed, you do not have enough file descriptors for ListManager to function correctly.
On most versions of Unix, you can increase your file descriptor limit by issuing the command:
ulimit -n 5000
Be sure to issue this command before you run ListManager.
On Solaris, to permanently increase the maximum file descriptor limit, add these two lines to /etc/system
set rlim_fd_max=0x4000
set rlim_fd_cur=0x3000
You will need to reboot your Solaris in order for this change to take effect. Once you reboot, check that the change worked, with "/usr/bin/ulimit -n"
For Linux users, Linux normally has a limitation of 4096 file descriptors for the whole OS (1024 max per process). To increase the maximum for the whole OS, you edit the /proc/sys/fs/file-max file.
ListManager should now be running on your system.
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