Utilities: List Settings: Web Created Content
Utilities: List Settings: Web Created Content specifies default headers for content and mailings created through the ListManager administrator's web interface. These settings do not affect mailings sent to the list via email; see Utilities: List Settings: Email Submitted Content to configure these defaults.
Default From
By default, the Default From: email address for web created content and mailings is set to "login", which uses the name and email address of the current administrator logged into the list, formatted as follows:
"Admin Name" <adminemail@example.com>
If blank, the From: address is left blank, and must be filled in every time content or a new mailing is created.
In some cases, you may want to obscure the email address of the administrator who created the mailing and replace that address with another. For instance, if several people in the sales department of your organization can contribute announcements, you may want the From: to say sales@your-company… rather than the email address of the actual author. Doing so protects the original author's identity and prevents list members from contacting the author directly.
You may also use the email address of the list in this field, if you like.
Note: This field must be a valid email address. If you do not specify a valid email address for this field, you will likely have problems when you try to mail. Some sites will refuse your mail, while others will show strange information in the From: field on the messages they receive.
Examples of valid values for this field include:
Bob Smith <bob@example.com>
bob@example.com (Bob Smith)
"Bob Smith" <bob@example.com>
"listname" <listname@yourlistmanagerserver.com
Note that by default there is no Reply To: header for web created content. If you would like to have a Reply To: header, specify it in Utilities: List Settings: Email Submitted Content: Header Rewrites.
Default To
If specified, this address will be the default To: message header for web created content or mailings. If blank, an email address or appropriate mail merge tag must be entered each time when creating content or a mailing.
Examples of valid values for this field include:
Jazz Discussion List <jazz@clio.lyris.net>
jazz@clio.lyris.net (Jazz Discussion List)
"Jazz Discussion List" <jazz@clio.lyris.net>
Default Subject
If specified, this text will be the default Subject: message header for web created content or mailings. If blank, a subject must be entered each time when creating content or a mailing.
Utilities: List Settings: Email Submitted Content
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