Summary of the "moderate_" fields in ListManager
The moderate_ table holds messages that need to be moderated, or are set to be released at a particular time. When a message is received it will start with an inmail_ record. If the message needs approval, the record will be copied to the moderate_ table. When it is approved (if it is not also rescheduled) it is copied again to the inmail_ table as an approved message.
Primary key: MessageID_
AutoApDate_ |
Date/time at which time this message is automatically approved (smalldatetime, NULL) |
Body_ |
The body of the message (text, NULL) |
ByEmail_ |
Was this current entry created by email, or by some other means, such as a script or web interface (bool) |
DeliverBefore_ |
After this time the message should not be delivered. (smalldatetime, NULL) |
GuiState_ |
Details about the state of the edit control in the GUI. (text, null) |
HdrAll_ |
The complete message header (text, NULL) |
HdrDate_ |
The 'date:' header (varchar(100), NULL) |
HdrFrom_ |
The 'from:' header (varchar(200), NULL) |
HdrFromSpc_ |
The 'from ' header (varchar(200), NULL) |
HdrSubject_ |
The 'subject:' header (varchar(200), NULL) |
HdrTo_ |
The 'to:' header (varchar(200), NULL) |
List_ |
The list that this message belongs to (varchar(60), NOT NULL) |
MaxRecips_ |
For a list posting, the maximum number of recipients allowed to get this message. ListManager will remove any members over this limit. If this field is not set, then there is no max. (int, NOT NULL) |
MemberID_ |
MemberID of the user who contributed this moderated message (int, NOT NULL) |
MessageID_ |
Unique message ID (int, Identity, NOT NULL) |
ModHdrDate_ |
If set, this moderated message should have its Date: header rewritten to be the date/time it is approved, removing the original Date: header stamp (char(1), NOT NULL) |
PurgeMess_ |
For a list posting, indicates that the posting should remove recipients who have received the following archived Message IDs. A space-separated list of IDs. (text, NULL) |
ReSubmit_ |
If set, means that when the message is approved, it should be resubmitted for automatic approval after so many hours (smallint, NOT NULL) |
Status_ |
Status of the message: new, processed (varchar(20), NOT NULL) |
SubsetID_ |
The ID of the subset used to create this message. NULL or 0 if no subset was used. (int, NULL) |
Title_ |
Optional title given to this posting -- can only be set independently of the message (ie with web posting or with 'moderate' commands (varchar(70), NULL) |
To_ |
The email address this message was sent to (varchar(100), NULL) |
Transact_ |
The log of activity for this message. (text, NULL) |
Type_ |
Message type: unknown, command, error-mail, auto-refused, bad-to-address (varchar(20), NULL) |
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