Mailings: Mailing Status: Mail Queues: Outgoing
The Outgoing Mail Queue contains all the mail coming into your server.
Finding an Outgoing Mailing or Message
There are some filtering and search tools to narrow the view of outgoing mailings. From the List drop-down menu, select the list that you would like to view mailings for. To view mailings for all lists, select the "All" option.
From the Type drop-down menu, select the type of outgoing mailing that you would like to view outgoing mailings for. This will show mailings for that type associated with the list selected above. Select Any to view mailings of all types (for the designated list), and All mailings to view outgoing messages for all the outgoing mailings of all types (for the desginated list). The other options allow you to narrow the search and view only a particular type of message. The following options will always be available in this drop-down menu:
The following options may appear in the drop-down menu, depending on whether or not these types of items exist in the outgoing queue. If there are no items of this type, they will not be available in the drop-down menu.
® server-disabled
In the Search field, any word or words in the message may be searched upon. This will include the body of the message, the header, the footer, and the subject line. Multiple words can be searched on by separating them with spaces. For instance, if you are looking for an outgoing mailing that you know contained the word "ski trip", you would enter:
ski trip
in the search field, and only outgoing mailings containing that word would be retrieved.
Ten mailings (emails sent to the entire list) from the current list are shown at a time. To view more than ten mailings at a time, click show more. Repeatedly clicking show more will show greater numbers of mailings at a time.
You may change the sorting order of the mailings by clicking the up or down triangles next to Date, From, To, or List. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Click next to see the next ten messages, previous to see the last ten.
The date and time the outgoing message or mailing was created.
The list the mailing or message is associated with, if applicable.
Displays the title (name) of the mailing.
Displays the type of email generated. For example, if it is a list, digest, or admin-notify type of job. The different types that may appear are:
® digest: a digest of list postings
® held: a held notification message
® admin-notify: a message sent to administrators notifying them of some error condition
® owner-moderated-posting: a message sent to list administrators who are set to receive moderation notifications. It indicates that a message is awaiting moderation.
® list: a normal list posting
® mdigest: a mime digest of list postings
® delivery-report: a delivery report of the status of a message sent (or sending)
® admin-warn: a warning message sent to administrators indicating that the server is disabled, or that they are reaching their member limit.
® owner-mail: a message sent to list administrators who are configured to receive admin mail. This message would be from someone sending specifically to the email address
® server-disabled: a message sent to the person posting to a list on a disabled server
® index: similar to a digest list of postings, but the bodies of the postings are not included in the message.
By default, all mailings for the current list are shown on this screen. Click on the drop-down box to select a particular list's outgoing mailings, or to view all outgoing messages (emails sent to individuals in response to particular requests) for the server.
Viewing Outgoing Messages
To view details about messages, click on the date or "view" next to the mailing you'd like to view. Here you can view the message details, including the message body, message header, recipients, log, and mail queue.
Download as a File
Click on the disk icon to download your mailing queue in CSV format.
1. Mailings: Mailing Status: Mail Queues
1. Mailings: Mailing Status: Mail Queues: Incoming
2. Mailings: Mailing Status: Mail Queues: Incoming: View Message
3. Mailings: Mailing Status: Mail Queues: Outgoing
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