Summary of the "inmail_" fields in ListManager
The inmail_ table hold messages received by ListManager. Every received message should be a row in this table, except for some bounce messages, if these are configured to not be saved. The data is saved as soon as it is received, and then is processed as resources are available. Once the message is processed its status is changed to 'done'.
Primary key: MessageID_
BeingProcessedBy_ |
The machine name that is currently processing this inmail record. For use in clustering. (varchar(25), NULL) |
Body_ |
The body of the message (text, NULL) |
ByEmail_ |
Was this current entry created by email, or by some other means, such as a script or web interface (bool) |
Created_ |
Date the message was entered in the queue (datetime, NULL) |
DeliverBefore_ |
After this time the message should not be delivered. (smalldatetime, NULL) |
HdrAll_ |
The complete message header (text, NULL) |
HdrDate_ |
The 'date:' header (varchar(100), NULL) |
HdrFrom_ |
The 'from:' header (varchar(238), NULL) |
HdrFromSpc_ |
The 'from' header (varchar(200), NULL) |
HdrSubject_ |
The 'subject:' header (varchar(200), NULL) |
HdrTo_ |
The 'to:' header (varchar(200), NULL) |
List_ |
The list that this message belongs to (varchar(60), NULL) |
MaxRecips_ |
For a list posting, the maximum number of recipients allowed to get this message. ListManager will remove any members so that this max is not reached. (int, NOT NULL) |
MessageID_ |
Unique message ID (int, identity, NOT NULL) |
ModerApp_ |
Has this message been moderation approved? (bool) |
NodeID_ |
The identifier for this node, references into lyrConfigNodeSettings. (int, null) |
Priority_ |
Current unused. (tinyint, NOT NULL) |
PurgeMess_ |
For a list posting, indicates that the posting should remove recipients who have received the following archived message ids. (text, NULL) |
Status_ |
Status of the message: processed (varchar(20), NOT NULL) |
SubsetID_ |
The ID of the subset sent to for this inmail. NULL or 0 if no subset was used. (int, NULL) |
Title_ |
The title of this message (varchar(70), NULL) |
To_ |
The email address this message was sent to (varchar(200), NULL) |
Transact_ |
Transaction log for each record (text, NULL) |
Type_ |
Message type: list, command, error-mail, auto-refused, bad-to-address (varchar(10), NULL) |
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