Using 'Report' to Synchronize with your Database
The CSV modifier tells ListManager that you would like the report sent to you as a series of comma separated files. When you use this, the ListManager will send you an email that includes as attachments up to seven data files. These are data files, and are not designed to be human-readable. However, they are readable by most spreadsheet and database programs. Specifically, the format of these files is known as comma separated values (*.CSV).
You can use these files to synchronize your external database with your ListManager database. Since most database programs can read CSV files, these can be loaded directly into your database, where you can quickly run an update to put your database in synch with the ListManager database.
Six of the possible attachment files conform to the possible report types from the current report option. They are:
Normal (subscribed) Members: The new subscribers for the report period will be provided in the file "sub.csv".
Unsubscribed Member: Those members that unsubscribed during the report period will be listed in file "unsub.csv".
Held Member: Members who were put on hold during the report period will be listed in the "held.csv" file.
Unconfirmed Members: Those members that subscribed during the report period but have not yet confirmed will be listed in file "notcon.csv".
Expired Members: Those memberships that expired during the report period will be listed in the "expired.csv" file.
Unapproved (private) Members: The members who have subscribed to private lists and are still awaiting List Admin approval will be listed in "private.csv."
These data files are only attached to the email if they have any entries. For example, if no members were put on hold during the report period, there will not be a held data file attached to the email.
The column layout for these first six attachments is identical for all files. It is:
Member ID,
Email Address,
Full Name,
Date Joined,
Expire Date,
Number Bounces,
Date Bounce,
Confirm Date,
Date Held,
Date Unsubscribed,
User ID,
If any of the fields is missing data (this is common), then nothing is displayed.
The seventh file attachment is the totals. This has the same information as the report command but in a vertical arrangement. There are two columns of data, the total description and the value for that section:
Total normal members
Total unsubscribed members
Total held members
Total expired members
Total unapproved (private) members
Total unconfirmed members
New normal members
New unsubscribed members
New held members
New expired members
New unapproved (private) members
New unconfirmed members
This file is attached if there is any data at all.
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