Mail Server Coexistence
The section discusses how to have ListManager run on the same machine as another mail server program. If you are running ListManager on a machine where there is no other mail server, you do not need to read this section.
Windows Mail Servers
Having Post Office Coexist With ListManager
Having Netscape Mail Server Coexist with ListManager
Having SLMail Coexist with ListManager
Having Microsoft IMS & IIS Mail Coexist with ListManager
Having LSTMP Coexist with ListManager
Having MailSite Coexist with ListManager
Having Inmail Coexist with ListManager
Having Notes/Domino Coexist with ListManager
Having NTMail Coexist with ListManager
Having Microsoft Exchange Coexist with ListManager
Having AltaVista Mail Coexist with ListManager
Unix Mail Servers
Having Sendmail Coexist with ListManager
Having Qmail Coexist with ListManager
Having Exim Coexist with ListManager
Other Mail Servers
If you are using a different mail server than one mentioned above, the answer depends on whether your mail server has a feature necessary for coexistence with ListManager. In most cases, you will spare yourself considerable work if you can find a machine that is not running a mail server, and install ListManager on that machine. Most mail server companies never planned on coexistence as a need and consequently made it impossible for ListManager to work with them.
The issue is that your mail server wants to receive all the mail sent to your machine, and thus ListManager never gets a chance to see its own mail.
There are three techniques for having ListManager coexist with your mail server.
If your machine has more than one TCP/IP address and you can tell your mail server to leave at least one of those TCP/IP addresses unused, then ListManager can coexist on one (or multiple) TCP/IP addresses, and your mail server can exist on another. Sendmail, for instance, supports this technique.
Another technique is to configure ListManager to receive mail on a different port (port 26 is common) and then configure your mail server to forward mail on to ListManager running on a different port. To use this technique, you set up an alias for your machine (by adding a DNS 'A' RECORD) and inform your mail server that mail received for this address should be forwarded to ListManager that is running on a different port. Post.Office supports this technique.
Finally, a third technique is to move your mail server to another port, let ListManager answer mail on port 25, and inform it to forward non-ListManager mail on to your mail server that is running on an alternate port.
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