Utilities: Members: Find Members: Email Address
Email Address
Enter the email address or partial email address of the member you'd like to find. ListManager will show you the results of your search in the Utilities: Members page. If no members matched your search, the Utilities: Members page will show no members.
Look For
Select whether you'd like to find an Exact Match to the email address you specified, or any address that Contains the partial address you provided in Email Address. For example, if you wanted to find all members who have .ml in their email address, you would specify .ml in Email Address, and specify Contains.
Search In
Specify whether you'd like to limit your search to This List, or All Your Lists. If you select All Your Lists, you will see the results for all lists for which you have admin rights and have access to.
1. Members
1. Members: Find Members: Email Address
2. Members: Find Members: Name
3. Members: Find Members: Domain
4. Members: Find Members: Segments
5. Members: Find Members: Status
6. Members: Find Members: Kind
7. Members: Find Members: Member ID
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