Use the Alert Settings page to configure alert notifications for the following conditions:
ServiceDown (SDN)—a service should be running but has exited prematurely.
ServiceBusy (SBY)—a service is running but has been unavailable for longer than the threshold time.
ServiceCrashed (SCD)—available only on Windows. A service has exited abnormally (crashed).
ServiceDowngraded (SDD)—available only on Windows. A service is running and available, but has lost some of its service threads. This condition indicates that the service might be in imminent danger of going down.
DBConnection (DBC)—database connection usage has risen to the threshold values.
Each running LM is configured with a fixed pool of connections to the database. If all connections are in use, server activity ceases until some connections become available.
LongRunningQuery (LRQ)—a SQL query is taking longer to execute than the threshold time.
Long running queries can impede other server activity.
For each condition, the alert severities are:
Green—indicates that a yellow or red alert has been corrected and does not exist anymore.
Yellow—indicates a warning.
Red—indicates a potentially critical server condition that might required action.
You must enable alerts for each condition you want to track. When you enable alerts for a condition, alerts can be logged in the server log file and email notifications can be sent when a condition occurs. The Server Dashboard automatically displays all enabled alerts.
1. Select the Alert enabled checkbox for each condition you want to track.
2. If enabling alerts for ServiceBusy and LongRunningQuery, or DBConnection:
1. In Yellow alert threshold, specify the threshold for the yellow alert.
2. In Red alert threshold, specify the threshold for the red alert.
NOTE: For ServiceBusy and LongRunningQuery, specify the thresholds in seconds. For DBConnection, specify the thresholds in the number connections.
To log alerts in the server log file and to the console (if running from a console):
1. Make sure the Alert enabled checkbox is selected for each condition you want to log.
2. For each condition, select the Log message on green alert, Log message on yellow alert, and/or Log message on red alert checkbox.
1. Make sure the Alert enabled checkbox is selected for each condition you want to track.
2. For each condition, select the Send message on green alert, Send message on yellow alert, and/or Send message on red alert checkbox.
3. In Alert recipients, type the email addresses to which messages should be sent. Separate multiple addresses by commas.
4. Optionally, to specify how often alert messages should be sent, specify the interval in Message sending interval in seconds.
5. Optionally, to limit the number of messages sent for each condition, specify the number of messages in Maximum number of messages sent.
Green alerts will be sent even if the maximum number of messages sent is exceeded.