Field Name | Description | Version Added |
DocID | Template or content DocID_ to which this image is assigned. (int, NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageContentType | MIME content-type of the image. (varchar(255), NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageData | This column is reserved for future use. (binary data, NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageFolderID | ImageFolderID in which this image resides. When null, this image has been assigned to a template, content,
or mailing. (int, NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageHeight | Height in pixels of the image. (int, NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageID | Unique ID identifying this image. (int, identity, NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageSize | Size in bytes of the image. (int, NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageTitle | User-editable name of this image. Within an image folder, ImageTitle must be unique. (varchar(255), NOT
NULL) | 9.2 |
ImageWidth | Width in pixels of the image. (int, NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
InmailID | inmail.MessageID_ to which this image is assigned. (int, NULL) | 9.2 |
LastUpdated | Date/time of the last modification to the image. (datetime, NOT NULL) | 9.2 |
ModerateID | moderate_.MessageID_ to which this image is assigned. (int, NULL) | 9.2 |
RemoteUrl | URL of the image. (varchar(4000), NULL) |
SiteID | Site ID to which this image belongs. (int, NULL) | 9.2 |
ThumbData | Thumbnail-size version of image. (binary data, NULL) | 9.2 |