In the Image Library, you can create, edit, and delete folders, or upload a new image path.
NOTE The file formats supported by the Image Library are GIF, JPG, and PNG.
To create a new folder
1. Click the Create New Folder button.
2. In the Folder Name box, type a name.
3. Click Save.
To work with a different folder
On the left side of the Library under Folder, click the folder name.
To change the current folder name
1. Click the Rename Folder button.
3. In the Folder Name box, edit the name.
To delete the current folder
1. Click the Delete Folder button.
2. Click the Delete button.
To upload a new image path
1. Click Include Remote Image.
2. If desired, type a name in the Image Name box.
3. In the Image URL box, type the path to the image.
4. Click Include.
To edit an image
1. Click the Edit button located beneath the image.
2. To change the folder the image is saved in,click the Folder box, and then choose a folder.
3. To change the image name, edit the name in the Image Name box.
4. To view a larger version of the thumbnail, click the thumbnail image.
5. When you are finished, click Save.
To delete an image
1. Click the Delete button located beneath the image.
2. On the Content: Delete Image page, click the Delete button.