You are here: Utilities > Automated Messages > Autoresponders > New/Edit Autoresponder: Advanced

Utilities: Automated Messages: Autoresponders: New/Edit Autoresponder: Advanced


Notify Email Address

If filled in, this email address will receive a notification when this match phrase is triggered. The notification will include the full document text of the email message sent to trigger the autoresponder.


You may have multiple addresses notified by separating them with commas. Example:,


Applies To

Select the desired list, site, or server from the drop-down menu. Server-wide autoresponders can only be created or edited by server administrators. Autoresponders for sites can only be created or edited by site administrators, and list administrators can create and edit autoresponders for only the lists accessible to them.


Special Mail Handling

To make this a Complaint autoresponder, select Complaints.

Learn more about complaint autoresponders.


Run Tcl extension

Runs the specified Tcl extension on the message. This option is only available to server administrators. By selecting "whitelist-complaint-handler", messages sent to this autoresponder address will:



To use this feature, you must have an agreement with an ISP to send complaints to the email address you specify for this autoresponder. See Whitelist Complaint Handling for more information.





1. Utilities: Autoresponders - Overview

1. Utilities: Autoresponders: New Autoresponder

2. Utilities: Autoresponders: New Autoresponder: Advanced

3. Utilities: Autoresponders: New Autoresponder: For Programmers