

Creates a new list administrator. Returns MemberID of successfully created list admin. Note that this function will not be successful if the EmailAddress specified already exists on the list.



EmailAddress - The email address of the administrator (string)

Password - The password of the administrator (string)

ListName - The name of the list (string)

FullName - The full name of the administrator (string)

RecieveListAdminMail - Whether the administrator should receive email messages for list admins (boolean)

RecieveModerationNotification - Whether the administrator should receive notification of messages pending moderation (boolean)

BypassListModeration - Whether the administrator should be able to post messages directly to the list, bypassing list moderation (boolean)



New Member ID


Return Data Type



Access Rights (learn more)


List Site Server Listname Required


x x x



ListManager 8.1

CreateMemberBan UpdateListAdmin