What's New for October 2008
This page highlights the most recent changes that we have made to improve your experience with Lyris HQ, including enhancements to the look and feel of the product and those that simplify the work flow for you.
- We have replaced our brand names, such as EmailLabs and ClickTracks, with the functional marketing terms Email Marketing, Web Analytics, Search Marketing, and Content Management.
- The Organization Details page in the Settings area has been re-designed with a cleaner layout.
Email Marketing
- We have continued the site re-design which includes these remaining areas: The Subscriber Report and a new look and feel for the EmailAdvisor Seed List Manager, Alerts Manager, Message Association Manager, and the Response Email Manager.
- A thumbnail view of your content will now be visible in Email Marketing reports to help you easily identify the report for a particular message.
- NEW API Security Options available. To ensure that every transaction with our system is a safe and secure as possible, we've implemented a new password-based security option for API calls. This password-based option replaces the previous IP-based security option that was available.
For more information about how these API options impact you, click here.
- New API options for transactional messages: Building upon the new transactional message API that was released in June of 2008, additional API's have been released that allow more accurate reporting and help to improve the automation of the set up of these messages. For more information, please contact the Lyris support team.
- New Soft Bounce Configuration Options: Based on customer feedback, we've added new options to the soft bounce management that allows more finite control of how many times we retry a soft bounce and when to remove that record from the list.
Search Marketing
- You can now schedule ads for Google campaigns directly with the LHQ Add/Edit campaigns pop-ups -- you no longer have to spend extra time clicking through to the older HTML application.
- Add/Edit Creative pop-ups provide validation on select Google punctuation rules - this allows you to identify any violations of Google punctuation rules prior to submitting your creative.
And a few reminders...
As always, we’d love to hear your feedback. Tell us what you think about Lyris HQ by clicking on the Feedback link in the upper right corner of the Lyris HQ screen.
Please remember to log in to your Lyris HQ account at www.lyrishq.com. While you’re there, check out the Lyris HQ Web site for the latest industry best practices, and be sure to bookmark www.lyrishq.com for future reference.
Thank you
The Lyris HQ Product Team