You are here: Email Marketing / EmailLabs > Suppression Lists > Searching a Suppression List

Finding an Email Address in a Suppression List

Suppression lists give you the ability to specify which email addresses should not receive a specific message. For more information about suppression lists, see About Suppression Lists.

You can search suppression lists for an email address from the Lists page.

To find an email address in a suppression list

1.On the Lists page, select Suppression List from the List Type drop down list.

The list of all suppression lists opens.

2. Point at the name of the list you want and click Manage Suppression List.

The Manage Suppression List dialog opens.

3. In the search field type the text you want to find and click .

All email addresses that contain the text are displayed.

To see all email addresses in the suppression list

If a suppression list contains more email addresses than can fit on the page, navigation buttons appear at the bottom of the Manage Suppression List dialog as shown in the following illustration.

Click the < or > buttons to move to the next or previous page.

Click more to display more email addresses per page.