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Getting Started FAQs: Account Management


Here is a list of the some of the most commonly-asked questions about the account management features of Lyris HQ. To show the answer, click the question. To hide the answer, click the question again.


ClosedHow do I create a subaccount?


ClosedHow many seats does a subaccount come with? Does my subaccount license come with a seat?


ClosedIf I have an agency license with 5 subaccounts doesn’t that mean 5 logins or access points?


ClosedCan each of my subaccounts be white labeled? Can each have domain masking?


ClosedWhy would I migrate from EmailLabs to Lyris HQ and pay for all of the subaccount logins that I currently do not pay for?


ClosedWhat is a standard use-case scenario for a traditional marketing agency looking to explore PPC, content management, and web analytics?


ClosedHow am I billed for Agency Partners?


ClosedCan my Agency Partners join my training sessions and can they call support directly?


ClosedHow do I see my monthly usage broken down?