You are here: Utilities > Web Forms > Web Form Templates > Web Form Templates: Edit Referral Form Template

Utilities: Web Forms: Templates: Edit Referral Form Template


Referral form templates allow you to create and save templates for a referral form, which you may want to use repeatedly. Once these are created here, they appear as options in the drop-down menu when creating a referral form from a template.


Note that referral form templates, which are web forms, should not be confused with content templates.



Edit the referral form template Title.



Edit the referral form template Description.


Applies To

Select the list, site, or server that this template Applies to. Because server administrators can set who has the ability to change these templates, the options available here depend on your access level. Server administrators can edit the templates for server, sites, and lists. Site administrators can edit the templates for sites and lists, and list administrators only edit templates for the lists accessible to them.



Displays the HTML originally created for the referral form. Any changes to the HTML can be made here directly.



Displays what the Referral form will look like on your Web site.


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