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Utilities: Other: Offline Events


ListManager can track what actions a recipient takes on your website automatically if you use action tags on your website. However, you may have situations where a user performs an action (such as making a purchase) offline, such as by telephone. Although this action was performed offline, you may still want it included in your ListManager database if it was the result of an email message.


Offline events will be included in any reports for that mailing, and may be used to create a triggered mailing. Note that each offline event can be associated with only one mailing. An identical offline event can be used for more than one mailing, but must be created individually for each mailing.


There are three types of offline events:


Offline Event

Records an event for a member, with no additional information.


Offline Interest Event

Records an event for a member, and allows interest stage and points to be assigned to the event.


Offline Purchase Event

Records an event for a member, allows interest stage and points to be assigned to the event, along with additional purchase information.


Creating an offline event insert rows in the clicktracking_ and clickstreamdata_ tables, and can be viewed by going to the Member History page for an individual member.


Offline events are a ListManager Enterprise feature. Contact your account representative at if you'd like to upgrade to ListManager Enterprise.


To record an offline event:


1. Select the type of event you would like to create.

2. Enter the Event Name.

3. Enter the Member Email Address of the list member.

4. (Offline interest and purchase events only) Enter any additional information you would like recorded for the event such as interested stage or points.

5. Click OK. ListManager will record the event, and return a URL that may be used to create this event again.


Event Name

Enter a descriptive name for your event, such as "phone call/date" or "purchased 10 units".


Member Email Address

Enter the email address of the list member. ListManager cannot record offline events for email addresses that are not list members.



Select a mailing from the drop-down menu. The offline event will be associated with the mailing selected here.


Interest Stage

Enter the interest stage for this event (available for offline interest and purchase events).


Interest Points

Enter the interest points for this event (available for offline interest and purchase events).



Enter the quantity purchased. Quantity must be 1 or greater


Optional Fields

Additional values (optional fields) may be added to an offline purchase event. available for Purchase Tracking. Any optional fields seen here must be created prior. For information on this, see Utilities: Other: Action Tags: Purchase Tag. These custom fields, which are added to the clickstream_ table will appear on both the Purchase Tag (as normal), but also as a value in the offline event.


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