You are here: Utilities > Administration > Server > Internationalization and Localization: International Charsets

Utilities: Administration: Server: Internationalization and Localization: International Character Sets


How Do Character Sets Work?


The Internationalization feature allows you to create content and send mailings in languages that require characters that are not part of the standard ASCII character set.


Before you enter any content into the web interface you must select the character set that you want to use for this content. If the character set you want to use does not exist, your server administrator can create it here (see below).


NOTE You can also import HTML into your content that has a meta tag which sets the character set. That character set will be selected in the Internationalization tab of the Create Content page and used for the content.




<meta content="text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp" http-equiv="Content-Type" />


To use international character sets, this feature must be enabled by a server administrator. For more information on this, see Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Advanced: Enable Features. If this feature is disabled, ListManager defaults to the ISO-8859-1 character set and quoted-printable.

Creating a New Charset


If the character set you are looking for is not available in ListManager, you can create a new one by clicking the Create New Charset button.



Enter a Name for the new character set; it must be the same as what the standard for that charset specifies.



The Description field is purely informational and is only there to aid in referencing this particular character set when looking for the correct character set in the list.


The ID number will be automatically created for you, in sequential order. This will then be available to you when you create new content or a new mailing. See Content: New Content: Internationalization and Mailings: New Mailing: Internationalization for more information.


The Name and Description should contain only standard ASCII characters since these fields are displayed in parts of the web interface that may not be displayed in the same character set.



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