The sites_ table stores information about the different sites supported by this ListManager server. Lyris ListManager allows you to define different virtual domains for the outside world. For example, one single ListManager server could support,, and To users these look like three different servers, but they are all managed from one ListManager configuration.
Primary Key: SiteID_
Field Name |
Description |
Version Added |
Whether this site should have the HTML editor enabled by default. (bool, 'T' is default) |
Added in 8.5 |
City_ |
City location of this site (varchar(100), NULL ) |
Comments_ |
Additional comments about this site (from document table) (varchar(200), NULL) |
Country_ |
location of this site (varchar(40), NULL) |
text(2147483647), NULL
char(1), NOT NULL
char(1), NOT NULL
char(16), NULL
int(4), NULL
Desc_ |
Short description of this site (from document table) (varchar(200), NULL) |
DigestFtr_ |
Text that should be appended to every digest on the lists in this site (Text, NULL) |
DKIMSignOn_ |
Whether DKIM signing is enabled for this site (char(1), NULL) |
10.2 |
DKIMSiteSign_ |
Sets the default site signing policy, which lists can use (char(1), NOT NULL, default 'F') |
10.2 |
DKSignOn_ |
Whether DomainKeys signing is enabled for this site (char(1), NULL) |
10.2 |
DKSiteSign_ |
Y: Sign email sent from this site; N: Don’t’ sign |
9.2 |
DigestHdr_ |
Text that should be prepended to every digest on the lists in this site (text, NULL) |
DomainName_ |
Domain name (Hostname) that this site should answer to (varchar(100), NULL) |
GuiHost_ |
The name of the web interface domain used for clickthroughs and other customer interaction (varchar(100), NULL) |
HideMRIEmails | (char(1), NOT NULL) | 10.0 |
LicenseLevel_ |
Limit the site to a lower license level. Useful for hosting situations. Values are (S, P, E) (char(1), NULL) |
MailAddr_ |
Postal mailing address for this site (from document table) (varchar(238), NULL) |
MainAdmin_ |
Reference to main administrator of this site (from people table) (varchar(50), NULL) |
MailStreamID_ | The MailStream associated with this Site (int, NULL) | 10.0 |
MessageFtr_ |
Text that should be appended to every message on the lists in this site (text, NULL) |
MessageHdr_ |
Text that should be prepended to every message on the lists in this site (Text, NULL) |
MessageFtrHTML_ and MessageHdrHTML_ |
Added to separate text footers from html footers |
Added in 8.95. |
Name_ |
Name which identifies this site. e.g.: 'Example Group Ltd' (varchar(30), NOT NULL) |
OwnerGIF_ |
URL to GIF for Owner's logo (varchar(100), NULL) |
PiperCompany_ |
Company name used for EmailAdvisor service (varchar(25), NULL) |
Added in 8.8 |
PiperPassword_ |
Password used for EmailAdvisor service (varchar(50), or varchar2(50) : Oracle only), NULL) |
Added in 8.8 |
PiperUserName_ |
User name used for EmailAdvisor service (varchar(50), or varchar2(50) : Oracle only), NULL) |
Added in 8.8 |
SiteID_ |
Unique identifier for this site. (int, NOT NULL) |
TclMergeInit |
The site level Tcl initialization string. (text, NULL) |
Added in 8.5 |
TechSupp_ |
Reference to technical support contact for this site (from people table) (varchar(50), NULL) |
TranslateLangID_ |
The default translation language for this site. Applies to default list documents if translated versions exist and to the web interface (int, NULL) |
URLLyris_ |
URL to ListManager 5.0 homepage for this site (varchar(100), NULL) |
URLOwner_ |
URL for owner's site. eg: (varchar(100), NULL) |
WWWPort_ |
What port to use for this web server. eg: 80 (varchar(10), NULL) |
Lyris, Inc. Self-Serve Portal:
6401 Hollis Street., # 125
Emeryville, CA 94608
Customer Support:
1-888-LYRIS-CS (1-888-597-4727)
Monday through Friday
6:00 a.m.--6:00 p.m. PST