ListManager has the ability to send particular messages to a percentage of your list. This feature is useful if you would like several advertisements rotated in your list, or if you would like a particular advertisement sent to only part of your list. The percentage chosen to receive each message is random—those delivered to first will have the same chances of receiving a particular message as those delivered last.
The text block rotated may be plain text, HTML or blank.
For each text block, you select the percentage of recipients who should receive it. Note that the sum of all the percentages cannot exceed one hundred. In other words, if you have one text block displayed 60% of the time, and another 60% of the time, you will receive an error message—you will not have 20% receiving both messages. If you'd like to do so, insert two percentage conditions, each with 60% text block, 40% blank text.
The "showpercents" syntax for a percentage of recipients is one of the following:
If there is a space in the text:
%%showpercents {60 [subst {text block 1}] 40 [subst {text block2}]} uniquename%%
If there are no spaces, you can use the above code or the following:
%%showpercents {60 text block 1 40 text block2} uniquename%%
60 and 40 are the percentage of recipients who should receive each message. Text block 1 and text block 2 is the text that should be rotated. Uniquename must be a name unique on this server to label this showpercents tag.
The "showpercents" syntax for a percentage of mailings is:
%%before ;showpercents {60 text block 1 40 text block2} uniquename%%
The syntax is the same for a percentage of recipients, but the "before" command is added so that it is applied to the entire mailing. For more information about the before command, see Script Execution Points.
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