The Global Ban Settings let ListManager download member bans from the ListManager global ban server designated here. This feature allows a hosting company with multiple ListManager servers to ban members across all servers by adding a server-level member ban on a single server designated as the global ban server, and then pointing other servers to it.
The server level bans from the global ban server are added to the local server's ban information. Therefore, all list, site, and server bans are kept on the local machine, but additional server bans will be loaded from the server-wide settings of the global ban server. List and site bans will not be added from the global ban server.
An empty Server Address indicates that no global ban server is available, or that this ListManager installation is the global ban server to be used by other ListManager installations.
Specify which IP address this ListManager installation should use to connect to the global ban server in Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Machine/Node Settings: IP Addresses.
Note: In order for global ban settings to function properly, all the servers which may receive mail from banned members must be entered as GUI hosts on the global ban server. Please see Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Security: GUI Hosts for more information.
Server Address
Enter the IP address of the ListManager server which hosts the global list of server member bans. Example:
If no IP address is set here, ListManager will not connect to an external global ban server and will use its local member bans only.
You may also need to specify which IP address the local ListManager instance should use to connect to the global ban server in Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Machine/Node Settings: IP Addresses.
TclPort Port
The port ListManager should use to connect to the global ban server .ListManager will default to the standard port used by the server, which is "2021". This port is used to communicate with the web interface and with other programs. Generally, this setting should not be changed. This setting should be the same as the remote global ban server setting in Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Network Settings: Ports.
TclPort Password
The password that ListManager should use when connecting to the global ban server. Access to the Command Protocol is password protected, so that outsiders cannot affect your server. ListManager will default to the standard password, which is "TCLPORTPasswd". Generally, this setting should not be changed.
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