You are here: Segments > New/Edit Segment > Segments: New/Edit Segment: Advanced

Segments: New/Edit Segment: Advanced


The Segment Advanced Settings page allows you to set special parameters for your segment.


Join Other Tables

By default, ListManager only has access to its own database tables. To access data in other tables in your database, list the table names here, separated by commas. Carriage returns are not allowed in this field, to prevent errors resulting from not separating correctly with commas. The standard members table is already included, and need not be specified. The fields in the tables specified here will be available for mail merging.





Adding additional tables here will make their fields appear when inserting a clause.




Columns to display

This setting is only relevant for testing purposes, to see what data is returned when you test your segment. If blank, only MemberID_ and EmailAddr_ will be displayed when you test your subset. These fields will always be retrieved and need not be specified. To specify additional fields, separate them with commas. Carriage returns are not allowed in this field, to prevent errors resulting from not separating correctly with commas.



domain_, fullname_



Using an SQL "ORDER BY" clause, specify the order in which to return results.



members_.EmailAddr_ ASC



This setting is useful for those using ListManager with an Oracle database to tell it to use a specific index, thus improving performance. The Oracle optimizer will not always choose to use an index, even if one has been built, so this feature allows the name of the index to be added as a hint after the SQL for the subset.


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