You are here: Mailings > Scheduled > Scheduled

Mailings: Scheduled



The Mailings: Scheduled page shows you all mailings which are scheduled to be sent at a future time.


Finding a Mailing

Twenty maillings for the list are displayed in Mailings: Scheduled. To view more, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of mailings at a time.


You may change the sorting order of the mailings by clicking the up or down triangles next to ID, Name, Subject, or Send Date. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Click Next to see the next twenty mailings, Previous to see the last twenty.


To search this table, click icon_table_search.gif. To export this table as a CSV file, click icon_table_save.gif.


Viewing or Editing a Mailing

To view a mailing, click on the mailing name. You will be taken to the Mailings: Scheduled Mailings Edit Mailing screen, where you can view the mailing, edit it, or save and test it.


Sending a Mailing

To send a mailing, click Send Now next to the mailing. Your message will sent out immediately.


If you have multiple mailings with the same name and title, you will also have the option to send all of these mailings to be sent at the same time. Multiple mailings such as these are created when you send a single message to multiple subsets or lists.


Testing a Mailing

Click Test next to the mailing you'd like to test. You will be taken to the Mailings: Test Mailing page.


Rescheduling a Mailing

To change the scheduled time a mailing should be sent, click on Reschedule next to the mailing. The Title, Subject, Current Send Date, and Reschedule Send Date will be displayed. To reschedule the date and time the message should be sent out, enter the date and time in Reschedule Send Date.


You may also click on Unschedule to prevent a message from being sent at the scheduled time. The message will then appear in Mailings: Need Approval.


If you have multiple mailings with the same name and title, you will also have the option to schedule all of these mailings to be sent at the same time. Multiple mailings like this are created when you send a single message to multiple subsets or lists.


Copying a Mailing

Click Copy next to the mailing you'd like to copy. ListManager will show you the old title, and will ask you the new title you'd like. You might want to copy a mailing if you'd like to send it again at a future date.


Deleting a Mailing

Click Delete next to the mailing you'd like to delete. ListManager will ask you if you're sure before deleting the mailing.


If you have multiple mailings with the same name and title, you will also have the option to delete all of these mailings at the same time. Multiple mailings like this are created when you send a single message to multiple subsets or lists.


Creating a Mailing

Click Create New Mailing to be taken to Mailings: New Mailing


Download as a File

Click on the disk icon to download your mailings in CSV format.


Note that triggered and sequential mailings can be "unscheduled" as well. For more information, see Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Triggered Mailing and Mailings: Advanced Mailings: New Sequential Mailing.


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